Experts Warn Your Warm House Could Make COVID-19 Worse

We’ve been warned about how flu season can mean a terrible time for COVID-19 cases, but according to a recent study, it’s our home environment that we should monitor closely.

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Experts are now warning us to keep a close eye on our home environment when cooler temperatures approach.

COVID-19 and the Climate: A warm house might put you at risk

In a recent study reported by The Sun, researchers analysed data from over 6,914 patients who were admitted to hospital with COVID-19 in various countries around Europe, the UK and China.

“They mapped this against local temperature and estimated indoor humidity and found that severe outcomes – being taken to hospital, admittance to ICU or the need for ventilation – dropped in most European countries over the course of the pandemic, covering the transition from winter to early summer,” the publication reports.

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“This suggests there is a seasonal influence on the virus.”

Researchers suggested that indoor heating in those cold winter months may contribute to the spread of the disease because it can dry out the protective mucus barrier within the nose and airways, making it easier to catch a virus.

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So while your tootsies might be nice and snug, you might not be doing your health any favours when it comes to avoiding the dreaded coronavirus.

COVID-19 and the Climate: Warm, dry air can affect your airways. | Image source: iStock

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The virus might not survive on warm surfaces

While UK experts claim the findings paint a grim picture for those facing winter during a time when cases are on the rise, Kidspot’s resident GP, Dr Sam Hay, says we don’t need to panic… yet.

“We should exercise a degree of caution as the data seems preliminary,” he said.

“However, we know from other viruses, such as influenza, that they don’t last as long in the environment – on surfaces for example – as temperatures warm up.”

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“But climate isn’t everything,” he warns.

“The most important factors with controlling infections will be social distancing and hygiene.”

This article was first published in KidSpot and republished on theAsianparent with permission.


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