Essential Strategies for Couples with ADHD to Get Along Better

Tired of constant conflicts in your ADHD relationship? Discover how couples with ADHD can reduce arguments and strengthen their bond. Click to learn more!

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Couples with ADHD often face unique challenges in their relationships, especially when it comes to handling conflicts. These conflicts can escalate quickly, leaving both partners feeling overwhelmed and frustrated. Understanding the underlying dynamics and learning effective strategies can make a big difference.


The Impact of ADHD on Relationships

ADHD affects emotional regulation and impulse control. This can make managing conflicts in relationships tricky. While neurotypical brains can pause and process emotions, ADHD brains might react more quickly and intensely. This often leads to rapid emotional escalations and outbursts that can harm the relationship.


Why ADHD Escalates Conflicts

When emotions run high, the amygdala takes over, overriding rational thinking. This is especially challenging for couples with ADHD. The executive functions, already burdened with everyday tasks, struggle to manage this emotional surge. As a result, a small disagreement can quickly turn into a full-blown argument.


Avoiding the Blame Trap

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A common mistake is focusing on what the other person should change. However, this often leads to more frustration. Instead, concentrate on what you can control—your own reactions and behaviours. This approach helps in reducing conflict and fostering a more supportive environment.


Developing Rebalancing Techniques

To manage conflicts effectively, couples with ADHD need to adopt proactive rebalancing techniques. These strategies help in calming the situation and preventing it from spiralling out of control.

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1. Self-Control: Recognise and React

Self-awareness is crucial. Pay attention to early signs of emotional escalation like increased heart rate or louder speech. Acknowledge these feelings and communicate them calmly. Saying something like, “I’m starting to feel overwhelmed. Can we take a moment?” can be more effective than expressing anger or frustration.


2. Time Apart: Cooling Down

Plan for inevitable conflicts by setting up a “time apart” strategy. Agree on how to take a break when tensions rise. This break allows both partners to cool down and reflect. Decide in advance on the duration and activities for this break to ensure it’s constructive. This helps in preventing the situation from escalating further.


3. Evaluate: Reflect and Understand

Use the time apart to reflect on the situation. Consider what you want from the discussion and how you can express your feelings constructively. Writing down your thoughts or engaging in a calming activity like drawing or meditation can help in gaining clarity. This reflection helps in approaching the conversation with a clearer mind.

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4. Reflective Listening: Enhance Communication

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Practise reflective listening to improve communication. Set aside 10-20 minutes weekly to practise this technique. During this time, one person speaks while the other listens and summarises what was said. Phrases like, “What I heard you say is…” help in ensuring understanding. This practice can significantly reduce misunderstandings and improve emotional connection.

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5. Strategise: Plan Together

After cooling down and understanding each other’s perspectives, strategise on how to move forward. Collaborate on finding solutions that address both partners’ needs. It’s okay if you need different things; the goal is to find a balance that works for both. This collaborative approach fosters mutual respect and understanding.



For couples with ADHD, managing conflicts requires understanding and proactive strategies. By recognising the impact of ADHD on emotions and employing rebalancing techniques, you can reduce conflict and strengthen your relationship. Focus on self-awareness, take constructive time apart, practise reflective listening, and strategise together for a healthier partnership.



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Written by

Matt Doctor