She was given away to his wealthy family when she was just four and raised to marry him, as was the custom back then.
Mr Tai Hong Kee married Mdm Chang Siew Lian when she turned 18 and he was 20. They spent 80 years of their life together and raised 10 children.
Over the weekend of 8 November, they both died a few hours from each other, according to news reports. Mdm Chang died of a stroke in the hospital and Mr Tai died 10 hours later at home the same day.
Both will be buried side by side after their funeral.
The couple’s daughter Tai Siew Kim told sources: “When my father was informed of my mother’s death, he merely quietly said that he would be following her soon. He passed away shortly after that.
“They did not get to see each other for the last time,” she added. Tai Siew fondly remembers the stories her parents shared with her of a era gone by. “They grew up as playmates and later as friends before tying the knot when she turned 18.”
Asked about the secret to her parents’ marriage, Siew Kim said it was “trust and patience”. As the years progressed, their love grew deeper with both becoming inseparable. “My father and mother were always together, be it having meals or watching television.
She hopes her parents’ love and strong bond would be an example for young married couples who tended to opt for divorce as an easy way out of marriage. “My parents went through a lot together but they remained committed towards each other,” she said.
Very sad, but also very touching.
According to experts, there might be a science behind this phenomenon. It’s called the “broken heart syndrome” and is caused by the stress of losing a spouse or a close partner. If the stress is sudden and serious enough, it might affect the heart.
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