Contraceptive pill use does not reduce fertility

Contraception is necessary for planned parenthood and for many women the Pill is the preferred option. However, there are misperceptions about Contraceptive Pills and infertility.

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There is a big debate about what is the right age to have a child. The answer to that quite simply is: whenever you feel physically, emotionally and financially ready to be a parent, is the right time for you to be pregnant.

Whether you are ready or not, contraception allows you the time and the space that you need before you are prepared to be a parent. For many women oral contraceptive or birth control pill is still the preferred method of contraception.

Women can choose to be on the pill from anything from one year to 10 years (or even more). It is therefore natural for them to ponder on the impact that birth control pills can have on their body, especially on their fertility.

There are plenty of misperceptions about the Pill -- its uses, benefits and impact. A large majority of these misperceptions are with regard to the relationship between the Pill and a woman’s fertility.

We spoke with Dr Christopher Ng, Obstetrician/Gynaecologist at Gynae MD Women’s and Rejuvenation Clinic, to help clear these misperceptions and understand what the facts are.

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Watch the video below to learn what he has to say about when you should start/stop the Pill and the impact that Pill has on fertility.

Clearly, there is a lot of myth, misconception and misinformation when it comes to understanding the impact that contraceptive pills have on fertility.

However, research shows that contraceptive pills do not impact fertility and that once a woman stops taking the Pill, fertility returns to normal levels within a year1.

So what are the factors that significantly impact a woman's fertility? Click on next to find out.

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What is often overlooked, is the fact there are other factors that could impact a woman’s fertility. Some of the factors for consideration are:

1. Age

Age-related infertility is becoming more common these days, as many women are delaying their pregnancy to when they are in their 30s. It is well documented in medical studies that fertility declines with a woman’s age. This is because of the number of eggs that remain in her ovaries decrease with age.

It must be remembered that some women are on the Pill for a decade or more so if a woman started taking the Pill at 22 years of age, she could well be over 30 before she stops.

It is advisable that women should try and conceive a baby before age 35. While a woman’s fertility begins to decline gradually after 30s, the decline really speeds up after the age of 35 and by 40, fertility falls by half2.

A healthy lifestyle helps in maintaining fertility.

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2. Health and fitness

While age is the major determining factor when it comes to fertility, a woman’s health is an important criterion too.

A woman’s lifestyle choices also negatively impact fertility. So if a woman is a heavy drinker or under constant stress, it can undermine her chances of conceiving3.

3. Certain medical conditions can affect fertility

Some gynaecological conditions such as endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory diseases, and fibroids can impact your chances of having a baby.

The contraceptive pill is a short term reversible form of contraception that is reliable and effective. If you would like to find out more about contraception or have any questions regarding the Pill, we recommend that you speak to your gynaecologist about it.

The information is brought to you by Bayer Healthcare.


  1. Cronin M et al. Rate of pregnancy after using drospirenone and other progestin-containing oral contraceptives. Obstet Gynecol 2009;114(3):616-22
  2. American Society Reproductive Medicine ; Age and Fertility 2012
  3. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2009 Jun: 21(3):219-222

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