Jannat and Mannat were delivered at a private hospital in India on 27 August 2015. Sadly, the sisters were born as conjoined twins.
The DailyMail reported that sisters were born connected to each other at their abdomen and lower chest with a combined weight of about 3 kg. This condition is known medically as Omphalopagus, more commonly known as conjoined twins.
They were delivered in Barara, near Chandigarh in India and were transferred to a larger hospital. They were sent to the Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) for treatment by specialists.
The twins weighed 4.2kg when they were sent for surgery, but the doctors decided to continue with the operation, for any delay could hinder the twins’ growth.
The effort of 30 medical staff, over the period of 8 hours, succeeded in ensuring that both babies had enough of the liver – which joined the two of them to live a normal life.
The operation was led by Dr Ravi Kanojia, backed up by pediatrics surgeon Dr Jai Kumar Mahajan. They were praised by the twins’ father, Mohammad Saleem, a labourer who only earns S$8.40 a day.
As he could not afford basic treatment for his daughters, the staff at PGIMER was his only hope. Saleem said: “The doctors at PGI were my last hope and nobody could have attended the twins better than the doctors at this hospital.”
His wife, Sonia, added:
‘We have been worried about our children for the last three months but God answered our prayers.’
The twins were discharged on Tuesday.
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