Coitus Non-Existus - Sexless in Singapore. Are We Too Busy For Sex?

Straight-laced city. The city that fines. Sexless in Singapore. These are just a few names that have been hurled at Singapore due to the lack of sex that we seem to be having. In 2006, statistics provided evidence that out of 365 days in a year, only 97 days were used to roll in the hay. What’s this to say? Are we proof of British writer’s, Edgar Wallace, words "An intellectual is someone who has found something more interesting than sex"?

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Straight-laced city. The city that fines. Sexless in Singapore. These are just a few names that have been hurled at Singapore due to the lack of sex that we seem to be having. In 2006, statistics provided evidence that out of 365 days in a year, only 97 days were used to roll in the hay.

What’s this to say? Are we proof of British writer’s, Edgar Wallace, words “An intellectual is someone who has found something more interesting than sex”?

Well perhaps that would be what we would like the world to think. However truth must be told now, mustn’t it? While almost three quarters of the world is busy ‘getting there’ with their partner, we’re keeping busy with unneeded shopping, useless gossip and mindless worrying about problems that will never see solutions. But then again, are we just too tired from our busy daily routines, or heaven forbid, shy? Back to the problem. Lack of sex. That equates to lack of babies and you know it is bad when the government, our government , starts handing cash out to people just to have kids.

So this week on theAsianparent, we’ve decided to do our part. Our issue is solely focused on helping you get your groove on. We tell you places to get frisky, what toys to buy, how to have pregnancy sex, and even recipes that will knock your kids out, so you can have some “fun”.

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theAsianparent Team

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