Children’s Day 2012

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All children deserve a special day for themselves! Children’s Day is a worldwide celebration of the joy of childhood and Singapore is one of the countries commemorating this special day this Friday.

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Childrens Day 2012

A brief history of Children’s Day

As with most special commemorative days, there is history behind it. The first instance of a specific Children’s Day celebration can be traced back to the United States of America, during the 19th century. Children’s Day in the United States ironically predates both Mother’s and Father’s Day.

Celebrations in other countries

Every child deserves a good break Children’s Day and various other countries mark it in their unique way. It is interesting to note that although Children’s Day is celebrated around the world, it is not celebrated on a single day.

The United States

In 2000, President Bill Clinton proclaimed Children’s Day to be held in October and after him, President George W. Bush proclaimed National Child’s Day on the first Sunday in June. As a departure from separate state festivities, International Children’s Day was first celebrated in Washington DC, in May 2009.

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In Norway, Children’s Day is held on May 17th, which is on the same day as Norwegian Constitution Day. Children’s parades are held celebrating both events.


Since 1927, April 27th is celebrated as Children’s Day in Turkey, lusal Egemenlik ve Çocuk Bayramı, literally “The Holiday of National Sovereignty and Children. Events and parades are held in various stadiums around the country.

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Children’s Day is celebrated on June 1st. Schools in China usually hold activities such as camping trips or free movies to allow students to take a break from their studies.


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Children’s Day is held on 5th May every year and is known as Kodomo Hi. Paper streamers in the shape of carp are hung on doors, and Samurai dolls are displayed outside homes. Chimaki (stuffed glutinous rice balls) are eaten on this day.

Children’s Day – Singapore style

October 1st was the day which Singapore officially celebrated Children’s Day. Kindergarten and primary school children in Singapore do not have to attend school on this day. From 2011, Children’s Day will be celebrated on the first Friday of October.

But for 2012, the Teachers’ Day and Children’s Day which has traditionally been celebrated in Singapore schools on September 1st and October 1st, will be scheduled to the first Friday of September and October, respectively.

Thoughts for Children’s Day

We often plan for holidays during the school break and major festive celebrations, but neglect Children’s Day. This isn’t just a day for the kids but also for parents too.

Children’s Day is one of the days in the year that children anticipate. Parents will be asking the question, “Where do I take my kids then?” Fret not, here are five exciting places and events where children can go in Singapore and have a great time! We kid you not!

 Super Kan Cheong style!

The Asian Parent would like to wish all readers and their families a very Happy Children’s Day! Watch the kids go “Super Kan Cheong Style”  in this special Asian Parent original production.

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Written by

Felicia Chin