9 reasons all Singaporean parents must bring their kids to watch Chicken Little!

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We just caught SRT's production of Chicken Little in Singapore, and we share our thoughts with you.

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I used to be a huge fan of the theatre, enjoying the sights, sound, acting and everything in between.

However, ever since becoming a mum, I’ve let my love for the arts take a back seat. With work, household chores and everything else in-between, there just doesn’t seem to be time for me to do what I enjoy.

Which is why when SRT invited me to catch their latest production, Chicken Little Singapore, I jumped at the chance. Although  I was half convinced that my kid would either fall asleep or scream the house down.

Glad to report that I was wrong. Not just did we thoroughly enjoy the production, I was beyond elated to discover these 9 other benefits of taking my Munchkin to watch a live performance of Chicken Little in Singapore.

1. Teaches kids to “be strong and be brave”

Chicken Little Singapore by SRT’s Little production house

In this tale even though Chicken Little was petrified of leaving his farm, he mustered up enough courage to finally venture out of his comfort zone and head into the wild Wild West!

2. Teaches kids to be there for their friends

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Shan waiting for Chicken Little Singapore to start!

Instead of abandoning his friends who were trapped by the fox (Foxy Loxy), Chicken Little put himself back in harms way and decided to try to rescue the other poultry who were in trouble.

3. Teaches kids to listen to their inner voice

Chicken Little was suspicious of Foxy Loxy, and rightly so. Instead of ignoring his inner voice, Chicken Little decided to follow his gut and it led him to saving the day!

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4. Opportunity to teach your child empathy

Set of Chicken Little Singapore

A study conducted by the University of Arkansas examined the effects of live theater and its effect on children. They found that empathy increased after being exposed to live theater – something not seen in recorded productions.

5. Songs and dances galore

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Photo session with the crew of Chicken Little Singapore

We had a great fun time singing along to catchy tunes with witty lyrics.

6. The energy and passion of the Chicken Little Singapore crew

The all Singaporean cast shows the kids passion of our local artist and that the performing arts is thriving in Singapore and working for what you love matters.

7. Just the right duration to keep kids engaged

Chicken little being bold and brave

At only 50 minutes Long, even my 19 month old could sit through the whole Chicken Little Singapore play

8. Relive your own childhood memories

Chicken littles poultry friends

We all grew up with the story of Chicken Little. This is a fun opportunity to relive your own childhood. Singalong to songs we are familiar with and share these precious moments with your child.

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Mums and dads, show your kids there is a world of entertainment away from their devices and TV! Here are all the details you need: 

When: Wed, 25 Oct – Fri, 8 Dec 2017

Times: Weekdays – 10am; Weekend: 11am & 2pm; 27 Oct, 31 Oct & 8 Nov 2017: 10am & 2pm
14 Nov 2017: 10am & 2.30pm. 

Ticket cost: Tickets are priced between SG$ 25-48. There is a 20% discount for Berries, Nexus International, SPH, Malaysia Diary Industries and ECDA teachers. 

Venue: KC Arts Centre – Home of SRT. 

KC Arts Centre – Home of SRT

For more information, click here

To buy your tickets, click here. 

Written by

Roshni Mahtani