Check out this search engine exclusively for children!

Called, the search engine has been powered by Google and includes only that content which has been handpicked by the editors or selected by Google safe search

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Parents of teens (in fact, even younger kids) are always worried about what their kids are searching on the Internet. Another question that gives them sleepless nights is what if there are some unwanted/objectionable content that shows up on their news feed.

If you are one of those parents, we have some exciting piece of information to share with you. A new visual search engine has been launched which is exclusively for the kids. Called, the search engine has been powered by Google and includes only that content which has been handpicked by the editors or selected by Google safe search.

Here’s what makes it cool and oh so kid-friendly:

#1 Controlled Content

The site clearly mentions in it privacy policy that it only shows search results for the kids and ones that are relevant and not objectionable or ambiguous.



#2 Visually appealing

It serves results with large thumbnails and provides simplified content that is easier for kids to unerstand, which other search engines for kids don't.  The search results include images to help students choose the most relative link. The large, Arial font makes it easy to read.

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#3 Has authentic information

I looked for the same information on google and kiddle and the results that cropped up were actually the same. In fact, the links that cropped up were actually the same and those on kiddle had simplified ones that offered information easier for the kids to understand.

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#4 Offers video tutorials

Kiddle can also be a platform for your kids to look for video tutorials on subjects that interest them or they want to learn.

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#5 Freedom for the kids and parents, too

When you enter an objectionable word like sex, it immediately sends you to a warning page. The safe search on Kiddle cannot be turned off unlike Google, which is a great news for parents. It gives them freedom to search without the worry!

All in all, Kiddle proves to be just the right kind of encyclopedia that your kids need for their science projects or every day homework. As it is safe and kid-friendly it can be used by the kids themselves without any supervision.

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Written by

Avantika Kukreti