Celebrating 100 Years of Lee Kuan Yew: His Legacy and Impact on Singapore's Development

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Today, we gather to commemorate a significant milestone — the 100th birthday of Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore’s founding Prime Minister.

His name is synonymous with Singapore’s transformation from a small port city into a global hub of commerce, innovation and progress. As guardians of the next generation, it is our responsibility to educate our children about the legacy of this remarkable man and his immeasurable contributions to our nation.

A Glimpse into the Life of Lee Kuan Yew

Source: Larry Burrows—The LIFE Picture Collection/Getty Images

Lee is a revered figure in Singapore, celebrated for his relentless dedication and commitment to transforming Singapore into a thriving, globally recognized nation. His former bodyguard, Noordin Abdul Rahman, recounts his distinct memories of Mr. Lee’s determination and unfailing work ethic. According to him, Lee was always “on duty,” constantly visiting infrastructure projects and ensuring the successful growth of Singapore.

An Invitation to Remember Lee Kuan Yew

CNA’s new documentary special, I Remember Lee Kuan Yew, offers an intimate look into the life and legacy of Mr. Lee. Featuring exclusive interviews with those who knew him closely, this documentary provides personal insights into the man behind the public figure. From his disciplined daily routine to his favourite cheat meal, this documentary reveals facets of Mr Lee that were previously unknown.

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Source: CNA

In His Own Words

Source: CNA

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CNA will also air the documentary film Lee Kuan Yew: In His Own Words on September 15. This film is a comprehensive exploration of Mr. Lee’s political career, featuring nearly 300 of his speeches and interviews.

The documentary follows Mr Lee through the various stages of his political career, from his early years as the leader of an accidental nation to his later role as a mentor to younger ministers and Singaporean youth.

Premiering Soon

Don’t miss out on these incredible documentaries that shed light on one of the most influential figures in Singapore’s history. They will premiere on CNA at 9 p.m. on September 15 and September 16, respectively. Both programs will also be available on cna.asia and CNA’s YouTube channel.

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As parents, it’s our duty to instil in our children an understanding of our nation’s history and the people who shaped it.

As we honour Lee Kuan Yew on his centennial birthday, let us remember his determination, leadership, and commitment to Singapore. These documentaries offer a unique opportunity for us to share his life and legacy with our children.

Source: Getty Images

As we celebrate and remember Lee together, we are not just commemorating a man, but the spirit of resilience, vision, and unwavering commitment that he embodied — values we hope to instil in our children as they grow up in Singapore that Mr. Lee helped build.


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Written by

Miko Pagaduan