Can We Still Trust Endorsements Made By Medical Organizations?

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The Coca-Cola Company is accused of bribing the American Academy of Family Physicians so that it will release health messages that will downplay the negative effects of soft drinks on people's health.

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A recent deal made by Coca-Cola with the American Academy of Family Physicians caused doctors, nutrition experts and consumer advocates to raise several protests and accusations.

The popular soft drink company is accused of bribing the medical organization so that it will come up with health messages that will downplay the side effects of beverages and sweeteners on people’s health. Various groups are saying that Coca-Cola made the six-figure grant to improve its image and to silence the Academy.

The AAFP counters these accusations by saying that it was only looking for funds outside of the pharmaceutical industry. They plan to use the money from Coca-Cola to fund education and research. Because of this deal, the public is now skeptical about the credibility of medical organizations such as the American Association of Family Physicians.

With this current controversy involving the soft-drink giant and the AAFP, will consumers still trust the health claims found on several food packaging which are endorsed by various medical organizations?

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Also read: 50 alternative uses of Coca Cola you never knew existed

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Written by

Karen Mira