Can I drink alcohol or DOM if I am breastfeeding?

A reader asks if she can drink Benedictne Dom while breastfeeding...

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Question: Can I drink alcohol or DOM if I am breastfeeding?

1) It is advisable to refrain from any type of alcohol at least for a week after birth. This is so as not to strain baby’s liver.

2) After the one week mark, you may do so but in moderation, about 10ml to 15 ml if consumed directly. Dom contains about 40% alcohol, so 25 ml of Dom is equivalent to 10 mg of alcohol.

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3) Greater amount may be used in cooking, as alcohol evaporates when cooked, but you are encouraged to boil the soup longer.

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4) It is best to refrain from breastfeeding 1-2 hours after consuming any type of alcohol.

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