Mum wakes up from 5-month coma and sees her baby for the first time

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This act of love has touched many viewers who also could not hold back their tears from seeing this special moment.

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One of the most exciting things in life is when you’re expecting your first child. There’s nothing like seeing your baby and holding him for the first time once he’s born. That magical, surreal moment that you’ve been waiting for, for what seems like forever is finally here.

This wasn’t the case for Nur Fadilla (also known as Mokla) who fell into a c-section coma. The 28-year-old delivered her baby via c-section on 18th November 2018, after being “overdue” for 6 days. Despite several attempts to induce her over 3 days, she did not dilate so the doctor decided to perform a c-section. 

Complications during the procedure

During the procedure, there was a complication that caused Nur Fadilla’s heart to stop beating.

The doctors thankfully managed to save her and her heart started beating again 10 minutes after her baby was successfully delivered.

“Before she was taken to the operating theatre, she was conscious and stable. During her operation, the doctor told us her heart suddenly stopped beating,” said Nur Hasirah, Mokla’s cousin.

“Her heart started beating again when the baby was born, but due to the lack of oxygen in her brain, she fell into a coma.”, she said. 

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Mokla holding her baby in her arms. | Source: Facebook

Emotions after waking up from a c-section coma and meeting her baby for the first time. | Source: Facebook

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Mokla regained consciousness on 2nd April 2018, after being in a coma for 5 months. She was finally able to meet her baby for the first time since he was born. Hasirah managed to capture the teary moment and shared it on Facebook. The post and photos quickly went viral.

Even though Mokla was not able to speak, her tears did not stop for the 2 hours they spent together. She was embracing her first born son, named Mohd. Syahmi. This act of love has touched many viewers who also could not hold back their tears from seeing this special moment.

The journey to motherhood has so many levels and every level has its own set of experience – from pregnancy to birth and beyond. In Mokla’s story, we see a true act of a mother’s love and sacrifice towards her children.

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How to come when a loved one is in a coma. | Source: Pixabay

When someone we love is in a coma, many are lost as to what they can do while waiting.

Here are 5 tips to help you cope:

  1. Take care of yourself.
    You will not be helping the person by becoming ill yourself. No one can predict the rate of recovery, so it is important that you try to return to a routine that is as normal as possible.
  2. Accept help from friends and neighbours.
    If someone asks what they can do to help, don’t be afraid to ask for simple things like babysitting or bringing a meal. Allow them to help you so that you will feel less overwhelmed.
  3. Use your energy wisely.
    Write down the calls you have to make and jot down any progress you need to follow up on. You may feel stressed and tired throughout the process and writing them down will help you remember on what you need to do next.
  4. Be positive when visiting the person in a coma.
    No one knows how much the person in a coma is aware of his/her surroundings. Some people remember very vividly what was going on around them and some don’t. It is generally accepted that speaking positively while in the presence of someone who is in a coma is beneficial.
  5.  Ask the hospital for ways you can be involved in the daily care of the person.
    Loving care from family members is important to the recovery process. It is also a positive way to spend time with the person as well as a learning process. Remember that you are not alone in this journey.

Source: Siakap Keli

Read also: Stillborn risks increased after emergency c-section

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