Little girl killed in Bukit Batok Central accident

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Rest in peace, little girl...

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We were horrified and shocked to come across the tragic news* last night (Monday 9 October) of a fatal Bukit Batok Central accident involving a little girl believed to be just four years old. 

At the time of writing this article, there were very few details about what happened. 

Bukit Batok Central accident leaves little girl dead and maid injured

But according to a Channel NewsAsia report, the accident involved a car and two pedestrians – the little girl and another woman who was with her, who was believed to be a domestic helper. 

The Singapore Civil Defence Force  (SCDF) was alerted to the incident around 6.40pm. Two ambulances were rushed to the scene, and the woman and child were taken to Ng Teng Fong Hospital.

The woman was conscious, and the little girl was unconscious at the time they were taken to hospital, say reports. 

Both had reportedly sustained serious injuries in the accident. The 53-year-old driver of the car was arrested for causing death by a rash act. 

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We at theAsianparent extend our heartfelt condolences to the family of this little girl. We also hope that the domestic helper is okay. 

Road safety for families in Singapore

Nothing is going to bring back that little girl – a young life with a bright future snuffed out forever. And while we are waiting on more details about what happened, please keep the following safety tips in mind. 

Remember: Always caution all caregivers of your child about staying safe on the roads. This includes grandparents, helpers and anyone else who is involved in caring for your child. 

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This safety reminder is applicable to us as parents too. 

  • Do not get distracted by your phone, other devices or music, especially if you are with a child. 
  • It’s best not to let little ones ride their kick scooters or bikes along the main road as they can easily lose control of these, as well as speed ahead of you. 
  • When waiting at a pedestrian crossing, always stand well back from the road. Ensure your child’s stroller or pram is not jutting out onto the road while you wait. 
  • Even at a pedestrian crossing, cross with care. Do not attempt to dash across in the last couple of seconds (e.g. when the ‘green man’ starts to flash) especially with a child. 
  • Hold the child’s hand at all times. 

Stay safe on the roads, parents and kids. 

Source: Channel NewsAsia, The Straits Times; Image: Screengrab/Channel NewsAsia.

*This article will be updated if more information on the accident comes in. 

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READ THIS ALSO: Baby’s death is a sobering reminder about car seat safety

Written by

Nalika Unantenne