Boost your child’s knowledge in science and maths these school holidays – the fun way!

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Does your young scientist keep asking you, "How did you do that?" Find out how she can get all her Science-related questions answered these school holidays!

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Kaesac Learning Centre

School holidays should be super fun for your children. But what’s even better is if they can get involved in activities that are fun AND educational at the same time!

Hey parents! The year-end school holidays are here for most of your kids, and by now, you must be wondering just how you can keep your kids entertained until school starts again.

Usually for kids, entertainment means watching TV or playing games on their electronic devices.

While a bit of TV time or device-use is OK, as parents, you certainly don’t want your kids ‘entertaining’ themselves in this way for weeks until school starts again, right?

What would be ideal these school holidays is an activity that not just keeps your kids entertained, but also ensures they learn something new.

A bonus would be that they refresh their existing knowledge on important subjects in their school curriculum such as Science and Maths.

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Well you’ll be happy to know that there are specialised school holiday camps run by established enrichment centres that do exactly this.

We’re talking in particular about the Science and Maths holiday camps and workshops run by Kaesac Learning Centre! But before we tell you about these fun-filled and educative programmes, here’s a bit about the Centre.

Kaesac Learning Centre

Kaesac Learning Centre methods help kids improve on a number of skills, which are vital for maths and science enrichment.

Founded in January 2000, Kaesac Learning Centre offers a range of programmes for students 3 to 14 years old, with each programme carefully designed to cater to the needs of each age group.

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Their experienced teachers create an excellent imaginative, motivating environment where children see learning as an exciting adventure.

Each child according to his or her own learning abilities knows that their advancement is possible and fully supported.

The Centre’s passion to enrich the education experience of their students doesn’t just stop at their regular enrichment classes… it also extends to their upcoming specialised holiday camps and workshops in important subjects such as Science and Maths!

The theme of their Science Camps this year is very appropriately “How did you do that?” — and as all you parents of budding young scientists know, this is a question they will often ask about, well, almost everything science-related!

For more on Kaesac Learning Centre’s holiday camps and workshops, please go to the next page…

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“Wow! How did you do that?” Enrol your child in one of Kaesac Learning Centre’s Science Camps for all the answers to her Science questions!

“How did you do that?” — All about science!

This coming school holiday season, Kaesac Learning Centre will be conducting a series of not-to-miss Science Camps over 4 full days! Here are the details of the camps:

Builders & Makers Camp (2 – 5 Dec 2014, 9.30am – 4.30pm)
In this camp, your child will go on a very exciting adventure to learn about the science behind energy and electricity! They will also get to make their very own inventions with the knowledge they gain.

ROBO Tech Extreme (9 – 12 Dec 2014, 9.30am – 4.30pm)
This camp is specially designed for all robot enthusiasts. Campers will build a walking robot from scratch and put their extreme machines to the test in a series of competitive challenges.

Little ones learning and having fun during past Kaesac Learning Centre workshops

GUTS Detective! (15 – 18 Dec 2014, 9.30am – 4.30pm)
In this fun camp, campers will take a tour of the human body to discover how the body works from the inside out! They will get to build lungs, grow guts and conduct experiments to see how the heart works and many more!

There will also be some pretty amazing Science Workshops (4 Half-days) :

AIR-Mazing Science (2 – 5 Dec 2014, 9.30am – 12.30pm)

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This workshop is packed with experiments and hands-on science that uncovers the many mysteries of air. Learn just how Air-Mazing science can be, make some Extreme Bubbles and so much more!

Do you have a young scientist at home? Enrol him in a fun Science Camp run by Kaesac Learning Centre!

Mad Scientist Lab (9 – 12 Dec 2014, 1.30pm – 4.30pm)
How to get kids excited about Science? Dive into the Mad Scientist Lab!

Activities and projects in this workshop include creating a laboratory young scientists can call their own, where they will experience colour and light with colour mixing, Jelly Marbles and creating Bubbling Blobs in indestructible Baby Soda Bottle to discover density!

CIRCUIT Circus (15 – 18 Dec 2014, 9.30am – 12.30pm)
Your kids will learn all about the dance of electrons; who they’ll jump in with and who they avoid with the Static Tube.

They’ll get to experience the power of their own touch when they light up the Energy Stick, and many more fun activities all about energy.

Make it all about science and fun for your kids these school holidays!


Camp Topics — Builders & Makers Camp; ROBO Tech Extreme; GUTS Detective! : $400.00/ topic

Workshop Topics — AIR-Mazing Science; Mad Scientist Lab; CIRCUIT Circus: $240.00/ topic

Group Discounts:

  • Register for 2 or more camps at the same time: @ $388.00 per camp
  • Register for 2 or more workshops at the same time: @ $228.00 per workshop

For details on Kaesac Learning Centre’s Maths Workshops, please call 6478-1228.

Happy young scientists!

To register for camps and workshops, and for more information:

Telephone: 6478-1228

Location: 86 Marine Parade Central, #04-301 Singapore 440086.

Written by

Nalika Unantenne