Blake Lively on Ryan Reynolds as a dad: 'He's just the best father'

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The former Gossip Girl star and soon to be mum-of-two gushed about her charming and devoted her husband Ryan Reynolds

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Caring for a baby is no easy feat. Luckily for actress Blake Lively, though, Ryan Reynolds is a super supportive dad who absolutely loves doing the dirty work. Yes, this may be hard to believe but Blake said so herself on the TODAY show.

“He does love the dirty work. He’s great and he’s so fun about it,” said the 28-year-old former Gossip Girl star.

“We were changing diapers and he said, ‘You’ve got to get rid of it!'” she recounted, mimicking holding up a dirty diaper. “I said, ‘OK!’ And he goes, ‘No, not the diaper, the child.'”

Of course, he’s just joking.

“He is my best friend, and he’s just the best father in the whole world.”

She takes a more serious note as she gives kudos to him as a husband and a dad: “He is my best friend, and he’s just the best father in the whole world.”

The two wed in 2012 after being friends for years. “I’d never known anything like the friendship that I had with him,” she shared in an earlier interview. “I could like him as much as I loved him.”

“All my eggs are in one basket, and that’s my family. That’s where my heart is. That’s where my everything is…”

The soon-to-be mum of two has always been open about making her family her top priority.

“All my eggs are in one basket, and that’s my family. That’s where my heart is. That’s where my everything is,” she told Marie Claire magazine in a previous interview. “That’s the thing that I feel most protective of and the thing that I feel is the most exposed when I feel exploited.”

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Though, they’ve been low-key and private, refraining from sharing photos of their daughter, Blake revealed in the same interview that James looked like Ryan at first, “She looked like his doppelgänger for the first six months.”

But the one year old is slowly taking after her mum.

“She has my clammy hands!” joked Lively. “And my heavy eyelids, my meaty eyelids.”

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Now that they’re expecting their second child, the couple remain intent on maintaining their “normal” lives.

“Ryan had a nice, normal upbringing, and we want our kids to have the same normal life that we had,” she revealed. “We don’t ever want to rob them of what we had, because we’d feel really selfish.”

She also admitted to being a protective “mama bear” when it comes to her family and people she cares about. “There are two ways to look at it. You could look at it as, ‘That’s what I’m vulnerable about.’ But also, ‘That’s the thing that excites me in the world.'” added the doting mum. “So I don’t really think about them as my vulnerability as much as I think about them as my reason for everything.”

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Ryan Reynolds is not just super devoted, he’s also super funny!

Not only has Ryan been dubbed the “Sexiest Dad Alive“, it turns out, he’s got a wicked sense of humor about parenting, too!

He constantly knocks it out of the park with his parenting-related dad jokes on twitter, much to the delight of his 2.31 million followers.

On his parenting abilities

On keeping it real

On infant fashion

On parenting expertise

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Written by

Bianchi Mendoza