Better to prepare than panic: must-know first aid tips for your child’s wounds

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Falling down and getting up is routine in the life of a child. And at times, much to a mum’s chagrin, it results in the not-so-little-one getting wounded. Learn proper first aid and cut care – to make you and your child unstoppable! Presented by Crystaderm.

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Many mums will agree that one of their biggest worries is the safety of their children. And why wouldn’t it be? They come into our lives helplessly adorable, we nurse them to strength, and once they start crawling around: we’re on our toes.

It starts with stopping babies from putting dangerous things in their mouths, soon followed by covering up plugs, babyproofing corners, and making drawers extra difficult to open for toddlers. But kids are smart; they figure it out.

It is this tireless spirit of testing their own limits that contributes to their development. They learn to walk. In the process, they fall down many times till they figure it out; and once they do, it’s just a matter of time before they start running around – much to our delight (and fright)!

But remember: let’s let our kids be kids

Many of us grew up without the concept of ‘babyproofing’ the house. We made our mistakes, getting hurt in the process. Remember the time your parents taught you to ride a bike? You must have fallen down so many times! However, in no time, you got the balance right and the thrill that came along with it – and don’t forget the battle scars.

In the same manner, we learnt how to fly a kite, play sports, handle a pair of scissors. Yet today, when we think about our kids, we try our best so that they don’t get hurt in any way. We follow safety instructions to the letter and never let them ride their bikes without a ton of safety gear.

The secret to easing one’s worries is being prepared

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Being overprotective isn’t without its reasons and merits though –accidents happen even in activities we deem super safe, and infections can get serious. So how do you bridge the gap between letting your child learn and play and playing your protective role as parent?

Learn to properly care for the inevitable scrapes, cuts, and wounds. With proper treatment, they’ll be forgotten even before they heal completely!

Step 1: Assemble your first aid kit

In most cases, you can buy one off the shelf at any pharmacy. However, there are things that you may want to add to it. Always keep your kit handy whenever you are out with your kids.

  1. A bottle of clean water to wash the wound
  2. An antiseptic cream that provides broad spectrum antibacterial cover to help prevent infection in minor cuts, wounds, and abrasions.
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Crystaderm first aid antiseptic cream forms a thin film over the wound as it dries, helping to hold the medication in place and protect against contamination.

3. Sterile gauze roll (about 1 inches in width should be enough for children)

4. Sticking tape in case you need to apply a bandage

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5. Small Gamjee pads (you can make some at home by putting about 1 inch x 1 inch surgical cotton between two slightly bigger gauze pieces/

Here is a comprehensive list you can print out for your full first aid kit.

Step 2: Know the wounds

There are 5 types you might encounter when you deal with your child’s wounds.

  • Abrasion – the most common type where the skin scrapes across something rough
  • Avulsion – when the injury creates a flap in the skin
  • Incision – when the wound is cut in a linear fashion, most probably by a sharp instrument
  • Laceration – when the wound is cut in a jagged manner
  • Puncture wounds – when something like a nail enters the skin and the depth of the wound is more than the length


Go to the next page to learn the last essential step!

Step 3: Taking care of the wound

  1. Clean: Wash the wound with running water till there is no visible foreign particle, like dirt. Take extra efforts to clean an avulsion.
  2. Stop the bleeding: Once you clean the wound, there might be bleeding. Stop it by elevating the limb above the level of the heart and applying sustained pressure. Remember, tourniquets may look like an obvious solution, but they have their own risks. If the pressure is applied for too a long time, it may damage the nerves of the limb.
  3. Apply an antiseptic cream like Crystaderm, which contains hydrogen peroxide 1% in a lipid stabilised cream, to the wound. Reapply as indicated.
  4. If needed, cover with a sterile Gamjee patch secured by a sterile gauze roll. Do not apply cotton directly on the wound. The fibres would stick to the wound and changing the dressing would become difficult.

Seek immediate medical care if you feel that the wound is serious. Even for seemingly minor wounds, consult a pediatrician if the child has fever or if the wound starts looking bad.

For more information, visit


Crystaderm® First Aid Cream (Hydrogen Peroxide cream 1% w/w, 15g) is a first aid antiseptic to help treat and prevent infection in minor cuts, wounds and abrasions. Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist or you have side effects see your healthcare professional.

Crystaderm is generally well tolerated, however a mild sensation of burning may be experienced for a short time after it’s been applied. If you experience prolonged irritation of skin or any other ill effects, please see your doctor.

This information is intended as a guide only and does not replace medical diagnosis or advice from a healthcare professional. Contact your healthcare professional if you are concerned about the health of yourself or someone else.

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Written by

Anay Bhalerao