Barbie Hsu And Wang Xiaofei Getting Divorced? Here's Why Netizens Are Speculating

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Xiaofei has deleted every trace of Barbie from his DouYin account. He had also changed his bio, which now reads "Hsi-Yueh’s dad.”

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Taiwanese actress Barbie Hsu is back in the news. In June this year, the 44-year-old Barbie had announced that she had filed for divorce from Chinese businessman, Wang Xiaofei.

According to reports, the split was partially attributed to his penchant for posting disparaging comments about Taiwan on Weibo, which Barbie found unacceptable. 

But her husband and people close to the couple denied at the time that the divorce is for real. They claimed that the actress was only lashing out in anger.

These divorce rumours have once against reignited. Here’s why netizens are speculating that the popular couple is getting separated.

Written by

Sarmistha Neogy