9 Practical Hacks To Help You Reduce Your Utility Bill

There are many things you may be doing to unknowingly sabotage your own cost-efficiency efforts.  

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How often do you pay attention to your utility bill? Perhaps not that often! Most of us just pay and then simply forget about it until the next month or till we notice a spike. 

And while we try to dig deeper on why our bills may have become costlier, a simple analysis could point to some bad habits at home.

From overcharging your phones, to using a non-serviced air-conditioner, to using your fridge incorrectly, there are many things you may be doing to unknowingly sabotage your own cost-efficiency efforts.  

Bad Habits At Home & 9 Practical Tips To Help You Reduce Your Utility Bill 

Remember to not leave your mobile phones to charge the entire night. Image courtesy: iStock

1. Overcharging digital devices

We all are guilty of doing it. Just before going to bed, we realise that our phone is low on battery and then we decide to put it on charge. In fact, leaving it to overnight charge is the easiest option for many. This means that once we are up in the morning, we will have a fully charged device in our hand.

But, it is not as simple as it sounds. Overcharging your phone's battery increases the likelihood of accidents due to overheating. 

Remember, as long as your phones are plugged in, they will continue to draw a small amount of electricity from the outlet. So it is also contributing to the rising utility bill. Small steps like being alert and remembering to charge your phones a few hours before bed, will benefit you in the long run.

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2. Not replacing old appliances

It's quite funny, but as humans, we attach emotions with inanimate objects like old appliances as well. While these appliances may be dear to you, they secretly up your utility bill. 

You should remember that old appliances like fridges, washing machines, and dryers consume much more energy than newer energy-saving models. So it is important to choose appliances keeping not only your budget, but also energy efficiency in mind. 

According to experts, you should choose front-loading washers over top-loading, as they tend to use more water and electricity. Also, if your washing machine is over 10 years, then it is due for replacement. 

3. Not servicing ACs

AC servicing should be done to help in energy consumption. Image courtesy: iStock

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Singapore’s eternally hot and humid weather may have you switching on your air conditioner regularly. The more you use it, the more often you should maintain it.

If you don't know what routine maintenance entails, then it is best to hire a professional to complete this task. 

Ensure that there is no water leaking from the unit. If the water remains around the unit without being cleaned, it can lead to mould that eventually can cause breathing issues for you and your family.

So AC servicing should be done at least twice a year without fail. 

Also, don't switch on your ACs for a long time. The energy used by one air condition is equal to 11 fans. By switching on ACs for some time and then turning it off, you can save $340 a year.

4. Running your dishwasher half-full

Remember to not run your dishwasher half full. | Image courtesy: iStock

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There are a few key kitchen appliances that require more energy than others, like a dishwasher. Therefore, it is your duty to use the appliances for energy efficiency. 

The number of dishes you use throughout the day is going to vary based on the number of people in your home or the number of meals cooked.

But still, don't run your dishwasher if it is not full. It is perfectly normal to leave your dishes in the dishwasher for another day. After all, running the dishwasher when it is not full is a waste of energy and water.

5. Switch to LED Lights

LED lights help you save costs by making the most of your electricity consumption! An LED bulb consumes up to 75% less energy while lasting 25 times longer than incandescent lighting. 

Not only do LED lights consume less electricity, but they are also safe. 

6. Using warm water to wash clothes 

By using cold water to wash your clothes you can reduce your electricity use with every load! There are some pesky stains that you feel will go away only with hot water. But, remember there is a price to pay.

Heating the water makes up 75-90 percent of the energy used by your washing machine. So when you eliminate the heating process, it means more savings for your family!

Plus, cold-water washing means clothes are less likely to shrink or fade and get ruined. So, if you want to save money while helping the environment then cold-water washing is the best choice. 

7. Standing in front of the refrigerator

Yes, you read that right! The longer the fridge door is open, the harder the appliance has to work to maintain a cool temperature. Before you open the refrigerator, work out what you want.

This would minimise the amount of time the fridge or freezer door is open.

8. Temperature of the water heater

A typical water heater uses around 4,000 watts, so consistent use will definitely build up your electricity consumption, making you pay more every month! So cut the energy use by lowering the heat and taking shorter showers.

A typical shower uses 2.5 gallons of hot water a minute. Cutting your daily shower by four minutes will save 3,650 gallons a year. Switch off the water heater after use, it can help you save $110 a year

9. Plugged unused devices  

After watching TV, how many of you remember to switch off the main plug as well? Remember, as long as appliances like televisions, microwaves, and printers are left plugged in, they’ll secretly consume electricity even when they’re not in use.

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It just takes a few seconds extra to unplug your devices and this small trick can help you save up to $25 a year.

Bad habits at home can be checked easily by staying alert. For instance, you've got to remember to unplug appliances that aren't being used and perform regular repairs and updates on appliances that you do use. 

So, next time don't blast at your kids only when you have the monthly bill in your hand. Slowly introduce them to these habits and make it a part of their daily routine. 

We know that kids emulate our behaviour. So, if you find them leaving the room with the AC or the fan off too frequently, it is time to probably introspect a little on your own habits. 

A few easy changes can preserve a happier and healthier world for generations to come.


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Written by

Sarmistha Neogy