'Baby Shopee' Takes the Spotlight at Local Clinic in Singapore

As the dad, caught slightly off-guard, nudged his partner and called out, "Shopee! You can’t go there!" it took just four seconds for the couple to process what was unfolding.

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You’ve probably had that moment when a kid’s name completely catches you off guard, right? As a parent, you go through the process of choosing names with great care, thinking about the meaning, family history, or just how it sounds. But what happens when someone calls out their child’s name, and it’s not your typical Aiden or Jayden? Instead, it’s the name of Singapore’s favorite shopping app: Shopee.

Yes, you read that right. Baby Shopee is real, and it’s not a typo. Picture yourself sitting in a clinic, minding your own business, when a little toddler scampers off, and her mom calls out, “Shopee!” just like the app’s jingle that’s stuck in your head.

That’s exactly what one Singaporean parent shared on Reddit, making you wonder—is this the future of baby names?


A Day at the Clinic with Baby Shopee

Reddit user _Bike_Hunt recently recounted a delightful and surprising experience at a clinic that left them pondering the evolution of baby names.

While waiting for their baby’s routine appointment, _Bike_Hunt and their wife found themselves in the lounge area, surrounded by the usual sights and sounds of a pediatric office. There, they spotted a young couple with their adorable toddler, whose enthusiasm for exploration was palpable. The little one dashed around, examining the colourful imagery on the walls, bringing a burst of energy that felt like a baby panda on the loose.

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In a playful moment, the toddler suddenly scurried behind the reception counter and into a restricted area. The clinic staff exchanged amused glances as they tried to gently coax the child back, clearly charmed by her antics.

“Shopee! You can’t go there!”

Then came the unexpected—“Shopee!” exclaimed the mother, calling her child in the same cheerful tone used for Singapore’s beloved shopping app.

_Bike_Hunt and his wife exchanged bewildered looks, caught off guard by the name. They glanced at their watches, realizing it was only 11:26 AM, and they hadn’t missed the anticipated 12 o’clock sale on diapers that promised a sweet $15 discount. Was there a secret flash sale happening in the clinic?

As the dad, caught slightly off-guard, nudged his partner and called out, “Shopee! You can’t go there!” it took just four seconds for the couple to process what was unfolding.

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“Aiyo, Shopee, don’t run around like that, okay?” he said, panting slightly as he rushed to retrieve his little one. The reception staff, smiling, returned the toddler, who promptly ignored her dad’s plea and scampered back to her mom, who looked relieved to avoid any further commotion.

Eventually, it was _Bike_Hunt’s turn to see the doctor, and as they walked away, they couldn’t help but chuckle at the thought of little Shopee. It sparked a lighthearted conversation about the potential names for any future siblings, as they joked about the unusual trend of naming kids after brands. With a smirk, _Bike_Hunt added “Shopee” to their mental repository of unique names they had encountered over the years.


What’s in a Name? The New Normal or Just a Fad?

In Singapore, the name game is getting wilder by the minute. Gone are the days when unique meant a simple twist on a classic name. Now, we’re talking full-on brand names! 

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Baby Shopee isn’t the only curious choice. One Reddit commenter joked about future siblings named Lazada or Temu, sparking a whole thread of hilariously imagined scenarios.

It’s not just Singapore where this phenomenon is taking root. In other parts of the world, there have been reports of people naming their children after famous brands like Pepsi or Fanta.

Why, you ask?

Maybe it’s the desire to stand out or to give the child a name that everyone will remember. But how far is too far when it comes to originality?


The Dangers of Unique Names: Will Baby Shopee Face Playground Teasing?

While the thought of Baby Shopee brings a smile to most faces, the future for children with such unique names may not be so sweet. Think about it—kids can be cruel. We’ve all seen it or even experienced it ourselves.

Playground taunts are inevitable, and a name like Shopee could easily turn into catchy (and possibly mean-spirited) jingles during recess.

Imagine hearing “Shopee pee pee pee” every day!

One commenter on Reddit worried that the kid might get bullied, and let’s face it, kids love turning anything remotely funny into a never-ending chant. Another user suggested the possibility that it could just be a nickname. But even then, should we be concerned about the long-term effects of branding our kids with corporate names?

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Is This the Start of the Brand Name Baby Trend?

For many parents, a name is much more than just something to shout across the playground—it’s a representation of their hopes, dreams, and sometimes even their own personality. So, what does it mean when parents choose brand names like Shopee? Could it be a reflection of the consumer-driven world we live in? Are parents so connected to their favourite apps and brands that they feel compelled to name their children after them?

Source: Shutterstock

It might seem laughable now, but consider how often we hear of parents naming their children after celebrities, characters, or even natural elements. Could brand names be the next frontier of “unique” baby names? With brands like Shopee and Lazada becoming household staples, it wouldn’t be surprising if we start hearing more kids named after popular apps, online stores, or even tech gadgets.


What Will You Name Your Baby?

For the parents reading this, we get it—choosing a baby name is no easy task. You want something unique, but not too unique. You want it to sound nice but not like everyone else’s kid on the block. You want it to have meaning, but not so much that it sounds heavy or outdated.

If you’ve ever considered naming your child after a brand, you’re probably not alone! But before you settle on something like Shopee or Zalora, think about the possible consequences down the road. While your baby might have the coolest name at daycare, they could also be the subject of endless jokes once they reach primary school.


The Rise of the Brand Name Generation

Whether Baby Shopee marks the start of a new naming trend in Singapore or remains a one-off, it does make you think. The digital world we live in is seeping into every aspect of life, including how we name our children. But for most parents, the goal is to find a name that fits—not just for now, but for the future. It’s easy to get swept up in the novelty of a unique name, but as with any trend, it’s important to consider whether it’s something that will stand the test of time.


Time to Choose: Classic or Bold?

Source: Savvy Parents

As you navigate the exciting (and sometimes overwhelming) task of choosing a name for your baby, remember to think beyond the moment. Sure, there’s something tempting about being the only one on the block with a Shopee or Lazada, but what really matters is how that name will grow with your child.

Will it make them proud? Will it serve them well in their personal and professional life?

So, whether you lean toward the classics like Sophie or go bold with something like Elon, make sure it’s a name you (and your child) will love for the long haul. After all, a name isn’t just a word—it’s a story, a legacy, and a gift you give your little one for life.


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Written by

Miko Pagaduan