Why A Diaper Tracker Can Help Make Nappy Changes Easier

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With your baby going through an average of 300 diapers in a month, it’s difficult to track what each diaper change means for your baby’s health. That won't be a problem when you choose to use the diaper tracker that will log your little one's poopy adventures and tell you more about your little one's well being.

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Your little one is adorable! Their coos will melt your heart and the occasional smile will make every pain you endured during pregnancy worth the effort. But with all that cuteness is, of course, the fact that your baby poops and pees a lot.

Babies go through so many sets of diapers in a day. So we understand that it can be difficult to keep track of so many diapers.

But keeping a count of diapers isn’t just about the cost as much as it is about your little one’s health. All that poop and pee stuffed in that diaper essentially tells you about your child’s well-being.

Ideally, your tiny tot may urinate as often as every one to three hours and have between two and five bowel movements a day. That’s a sign of good health. But what do you do to keep track of these every day? That’s where theAsianParent diaper tracker tool comes in handy. 

 Baby Poop App: Because Mums Deserve More

There’s never a break to being a mum once you take the big role. And all you are looking for are ways to make your life easier. So can you make the diaper duties easier?

theAsianParent has extensively worked with local mums to create the baby poop app or the diaper tracker to answer this question. And that’s because we understand mums deserve more time and attention for themselves as much as the little one.

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We’ve incorporated valuable insight from mums just like you into developing the diaper tracker. The tracker tool has been designed, developed, tested and verified by mums like you. It’s a product that we proudly call #ForMumsByMums.

Download theAsianParent app from Google PlayStore or iOS App Store and check out the diaper tracker for all your nappy needs.

Why Should You Use A Diaper Tracker?

theAsianParent diaper tracker allows you to log details on the poop and pee patterns of your little one.

Track the number of bowel movements your baby had in a day, the number of times they had to pee and if something was out of the ordinary. Not only does the app give you access to your baby’s diaper usage but will also help you log details on the kind of poop and pee they’ve passed.

At a time when you are still understanding the nuances of parenting, the diaper tracker aims to make your life easier and allow you to find time for yourself in the 24/7 parenting process.

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While babies will be going through different sets of diaper changes every day, mums need to have a grasp on their own health and peace, and the diaper tracker will help to reassure you when your baby is in good health.

The last thing you want is to leave your baby in a soiled diaper longer than expected. The rashes are much worse to deal with and only add to your postpartum stress.

How The Diaper Tracker Works? Be In Sync WIth Your Baby’s Nappy Changes

The baby poop app or diaper tracker is fairly simple to use and requires minimal effort from the mum when it comes to feeding the details. All it will take is a minute to add the data to the tracker.

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  • Enter details about your baby’s poop and pee
  • Save details about the colour and texture of the poop and pee.

The diaper tracker allows you to collate the data in one place to chart out analysis on a weekly, monthly or quarterly basis.

The tool will help you recognise patterns and offer guidance. The app also offers deep insight into parenting at large. As a new parent, even the most obvious things can unsettle you as a mum and that only leads to unnecessary stress.

With the help of the app, mums can find support in their parenting journey at the comfort of their fingertips.

Newborn Baby And Poop Chart

What Does Poop Texture Mean In A Newborn?

A newborn’s poop consistency will be decidedly different from older children. Here’s are the different textures you need to know about.

  • Newborn poop consistency – Thick, tar-like consistency in the first few days after birth
  • Breastfed consistency – Loose stools with seed-like substances
  • Formula-fed consistency – Firmer poop that’s brown in colour with some green and yellow
  • Consistency when feeding solid food – thick stool like normal adult poop
  • Constipation consistency – Small, dark brown, pebble-sized stools
  • Diarrhoea consistency – Watery stool

Each type of stool tells you about your baby’s health. And the diaper tracker tool will help you keep a record of what kind of stool your little one has been passing.

Do remember: Every baby is different and so are their diaper habits. The diaper tracker tool will help you find your baby’s diaper routine and manage time for yourself.

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Written by

Sameer C