7 Hottest baby name trends for 2017

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Still deciding on what to call your baby? Looking at what's popular is a good place to start. Here, baby name experts weigh in on the baby name trends for 2017.

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Are you due to have a baby in 2017? Or are you planning to have a baby next year? If you still haven’t decided on a name, you might want to see what’s going to be popular next year, according to the experts at Today’s Parent and Nameberry.

1. Power names

More and more parents are giving their babies power names, and we’re not talking about simply paying homage to powerful figures in history, but actually taking the name of deities. Expect names from different mythologies from all over the world.

Examples: Odin, Luna, Pandora, Thor, Freya, Messiah

baby name trends 2017

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2. Smooth sounding names

Names that sound musical and light will continue to be popular, as well as names with N and L sounds.

Examples: Mia, Noah, Lucas, Lillian, Norman, Samson

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3. Literary names

Naming your baby after a literary character or author is one easy way to show the world how well-read you are. Storybook characters are popular, as well as names from classical literature (i.e. Shakespearean) and authors’ names.

Examples: Matilda, Alica, Holden, Romeo, Cordelia, Austen, Poe, Angelou

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4. Old-fashioned names

One recent trend is old-fashioned names that have fallen out of popularity for so long that they sound fresh again. We’re talking about really old-school names like Barney and Winston that bring to mind images of privilege and sophistication. Names from Downton Abbey also continue to be popular, even after the series has ended.

Examples: Lionel, Montgomery, Violet, Cora, Isobel

5. Inspirational names

2016 was a rough year, so can you blame parents for wanting to name their babies positive and inspirational names?

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Examples: Grace, Dream, Patience, Zen, Pax

6. Names that start with “O”

O is apparently the most popular vowel right now. For two consecutive years, Olivia has been the second most popular girls’ name, and it looks like this trend will continue for at least a couple more years.

Examples: Octavia, Olive, Oona, Owen, Oliver, Oscar, Otto

7. Nature names

Parents are getting more experimental and unconventional with their naming choices, and now, they’re looking to nature for inspiration! Animal names and water names are the in thing right now.

Examples: Bear, Fox, Hawk, Wolf, River, Rain, Kai, Nile, Ford

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Written by

Cristina Morales