At 51, News Anchor Glenda Chong Defies Odds With Pregnancy After Decade Of IVF Struggles

Every tear, every heartbreak, every failed attempt—it all becomes worth it when the miracle finally arrives.

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For every parent, there’s a story—a moment when the dream of holding your child in your arms feels both tantalizingly close and impossibly far. For Singaporean newscaster Glenda Chong, that dream was nearly a decade-long battle fought with every ounce of hope, strength, and tears she had.

Now, at 51 years old, Glenda Chong has shared the news that she is four months pregnant with her first child, a miracle she had almost given up on.

After ten IVF cycles, countless doctor visits, and the devastating grief of miscarriage, Glenda Chong and her husband, Justin Chan, are finally expecting a baby boy.

But the path that led to this moment is a heart-wrenching reminder that the road to parenthood is sometimes paved with unimaginable heartbreak.


The Struggles and Setbacks: When IVF Becomes the Only Option

When Glenda Chong and Justin Chan married in 2014, like many couples, they immediately began trying to conceive naturally. But with Chong already in her early forties, they knew that time might not be on their side. She made significant lifestyle changes, cutting out alcohol and caffeine, and committing to a regular exercise routine to improve her health. Despite her efforts, after two years of trying and no success, it became clear that natural conception wasn’t in the cards for them.

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Glenda Chong’s story is relatable to so many parents who’ve faced fertility challenges. The couple turned to traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and charting her fertility, but none of these methods led to a pregnancy.

Finally, after exhausting all other options, they decided to try in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), a process that would ultimately become both their beacon of hope and their biggest emotional hurdle.

IVF is never easy, and for older women, it’s an even steeper uphill battle. As Glenda Chong and her husband discovered, success rates for IVF drop drastically with age.

In fact, according to the Ministry of Health, the success rate for women over 45 is less than 3%. Yet, even with those sobering statistics, Chong and her husband embarked on a ten-year journey that would take them through 10 IVF cycles, with all the highs and lows that come with it.

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An Emotional Rollercoaster: Navigating the Heartbreak of IVF Failures

What makes Glenda Chong’s story particularly powerful is the emotional toll that IVF took on both her and her husband. As parents who have gone through fertility treatments know, every IVF cycle comes with the flicker of hope – and the crushing devastation when that hope fades. Chong and her husband saw six doctors, including two from overseas, over the course of their treatment. They experienced the heartbreak of miscarriages, one so early that she didn’t even feel it, and each unsuccessful round weighed heavily on their hearts.

“I was very, very, very sad,” Chong recalled in her interview with CNA Today. “I don’t think I was mentally prepared for that one egg. So emotionally, I was just a complete mess.”


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Her husband, Justin Chan, echoed that sentiment, admitting that each failure felt like a “devastating blow.” The strain was so intense that it even caused friction between them. He candidly admitted that at one point, he asked Chong why he wasn’t enough for her, a question many partners might struggle with in such difficult times.

Chong’s response? She wanted more than just him. She wanted “little you’s” running around. It was never about him not being enough; it was about their deep desire to expand their family and share their love with children.


The Miracle of the 10th IVF Cycle

Source: CNA/Raj Nadarajan

By the time Glenda Chong reached her 10th round of IVF, she was exhausted, both physically and emotionally. At this point, she had resigned herself to the idea that perhaps having biological children wasn’t meant to be. With no expectations going into that final round, she was ready to stop, even if it didn’t work.

But then, the miracle happened.

It happened. When Glenda Chong least expected it, her miracle arrived. In that 10th and final IVF cycle, Glenda, at 51 years old, became pregnant. The baby boy she had dreamed of for over a decade was finally growing inside her. Now four months along, Glenda and Justin are cautiously optimistic, but the joy in their hearts is unmistakable.

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Due to her age, her pregnancy is considered high-risk, and she has been placed under strict orders by her doctor, Dr. Suresh Nair of the Seed of Life clinic. She’s not allowed to travel beyond a five-hour radius of Singapore, and she must attend weekly or fortnightly check-ups to ensure both she and her baby remain healthy. It’s a small price to pay, she says, for the miracle they’ve been given.


What Glenda Chong’s Story Means for Singaporean Parents

The story of Glenda Chong’s pregnancy is more than just a personal victory for her and her husband – it’s a source of inspiration for many Singaporean parents who may be struggling with infertility.

It highlights the resilience required to keep going when every attempt feels like a setback. It reminds us that every parent’s journey is different and that hope can sometimes lead to unexpected miracles.

Moreover, Glenda Chong’s experience shines a spotlight on the often-overlooked emotional toll that IVF can take on couples. The years of trying, the financial strain, the heartache of repeated failures – it’s a reality many parents silently endure.

But Chong’s willingness to share her struggles shows that no one is alone in this journey. Her courage to keep going and her determination to start a family offer hope to anyone facing the same battles.


Hope Springs Eternal

As Glenda Chong and her husband prepare for the arrival of their baby boy, one thing is clear: their journey to parenthood has been anything but easy.

But it’s a journey filled with resilience, love, and the belief that hope can carry you through the darkest times. Chong’s story is one of perseverance, and it’s a reminder to Singaporean parents that even when the odds seem insurmountable, there is always hope.

So, for anyone struggling with their own fertility journey, remember the words of Glenda Chong: “Hope springs eternal, and hope is a huge motivator for me.”

Whether through IVF or other means, your path to parenthood may not be straightforward, but it’s one that’s worth fighting for.

Every tear, every heartbreak, every failed attempt—it all becomes worth it when the miracle finally arrives.


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Written by

Miko Pagaduan