Help Asyraf's Battle Against Leukaemia

Stand with Asyraf in his courageous battle against leukemia. Your support can make a difference. Donate today and be a beacon of hope!

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In Indonesia, a resilient 10-year-old boy named Asyraf is waging a battle against an adversary far beyond his tender years – Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. His story is one of courage, heartbreak, and an unwavering determination to survive against all odds.

Asyraf’s journey began with severe headaches, prompting a trip to a local General hospital where the devastating diagnosis was revealed. The family’s world crumbled as they learned that their beloved son needed high-risk chemotherapy for three gruelling years. The emotional toll was compounded by the financial strain, leading them to sell their possessions in Indonesia and relocate to Malaysia for enhanced treatment.

Image from | Help Asyraf Fight Relapse Leukaemia High Risk Treatment

Just when the horizon seemed hopeful, the insidious cancer relapsed, cruelly targeting Asyraf’s brain and robbing him of his right-eye vision. Desperate for a glimmer of hope, the family turned to Singapore for their last chance. The financial burden, however, has become overwhelming as they navigate through intensive chemotherapy, unexpected allergic reactions, and soaring medical costs.

As of the latest update on January 23, 2024, the doctors have delivered another heartbreaking blow: Asyraf’s right eye needs to be removed and replaced with a transplant. It’s an unimaginable ordeal for a young boy who should enjoy childhood’s simple pleasures.

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Image from | Help Asyraf Fight Relapse Leukaemia High Risk Treatment

Asyraf’s Brave Fight: A Glimpse into the Struggle

Asyraf’s parents recall the heart-wrenching scenes of their son’s induction chemotherapy treatment, where he had to endure weekly hospital visits, IV needle insertions, and unimaginable pain. Despite it all, Asyraf remained strong, a beacon of bravery in the face of adversity.

The family’s journey took them from Indonesia to Malaysia, where they sold all their possessions and borrowed money from relatives and friends to fund Asyraf’s treatment. The financial burden became insurmountable, leading them to NUH Singapore as a last resort.

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The Dire Need for Assistance

Asyraf’s battle took an unexpected turn when cancer cells invaded his brain. The subsequent treatments, including intensive Intrathecal chemotherapy, brought additional challenges. An allergic reaction to a chemotherapy drug forced a switch to a more expensive alternative. It exacerbates the already dire financial situation.

The family has reached a breaking point. Despite their best efforts, bills continue to pile up, and the weight of debt is suffocating. The plea for help is genuine and urgent. The family is now in Singapore, continuing Asyraf’s treatment, and the costs are beyond their control.

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Image from | Help Asyraf Fight Relapse Leukaemia High Risk Treatment

A Call to Action: Your Donation Can Make a Difference

In the spirit of compassion and community, we appeal to your generosity. Any donation, regardless of its size, will make a world of difference to Asyraf and his family. Give. Asia manages all funds raised and directly contributes to Asyraf’s chemotherapy treatment at NUH Singapore.

Your selfless act of kindness will alleviate the financial burden. And infuse hope into a family navigating through their darkest days. Asyraf’s parents express their deepest gratitude for your support, and every contribution brings them one step closer to securing the treatment their son desperately needs.

Thank you for standing with Asyraf and his family in this challenging journey. Your compassion has the power to change lives. Donate here.

Written by

Pheona Ilagan