Raising an Aries baby? Find out the traits and challenges you may face

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and Arians, as children, like to be first in some way. Here's what to expect when raising an Aries child!

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Aries Baby | March 21 – April 19

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and Arians, as children, like to be first in some way. They do not like to be second or even to wait terribly long for anyone or anything, which can make them seem aggressive and impatient.

Defined by fire, you can expect this little one to be active, spontaneous, enthusiastic, highly creative, self-sufficient and even have a touch of romance about them. However if you are crossing swords with them, this little one can be bossy, pushy and sometimes just outright rebellious.

The little Aries babies are all known for one thing, their demand to get what they want. This during the newborn stage can go one of two ways, either they develop their communication early and mum can settle quickly, or they can continue to demand we’re not sure of what for persistent hours on end.

Full bellies are the way to go!

Aries children and adults have a pet hate, hunger. One of the easiest ways to keep an Aries child at ease is to fill up their bellies with food. Pack extra than expected and you won’t fall into a loss with a demanding tantrum after they’ve previously demolished everything you supplied and start looking for more.

Aries newborns are typically ones that like to be alert and take everything in, but overstimulate themselves with their drive to learn. It’s not uncommon for Aries children to be fussy in the later
hours of the day, needing extra cuddles and attention in low-stimulation surroundings off Mum.

On the positive, a quirky Aries trait is that they have very little drive to accept money from others. A lot of Aries will turn their back on receiving any form of inheritance, choosing to create their own wealth through unexpected means. Mum and Dad, time to start spending that cash that you’re thinking of putting aside for your little one!

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How to parent an Aries baby according to your star sign



As an Aries personality, you have a naturally positive, energetic and happy approach which the highly energetic Arian will hugely benefit from. You can expect many happy days connecting to your child through fun and happy emotions, as even the smallest things will result in big smiles.


An Aries mum can develop a “because I said so” attitude, which can result in long-winded, stubborn arguments as the Arian child will fight back if they are not in agreeance, with both mum and child
fighting to win.

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An Aries mum can develop a “because I said so” attitude, which can result in long-winded, stubborn arguments as the Aries child will fight back if they are not in agreeance, with both mum and child
fighting to win.


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Taurus mums can at times be a little lazy and sloppy, which will create boredom problems with the highly energetic, always on the go Arian child. The Arian child will struggle to accept the benefits of
staying home-bound which the Taurus mum enjoys doing occasionally.



Gemini mums tend to have a youthful, “cool” attitude and appearance with their children. They are not natural disciplinarians and they tend to develop an understanding of their children’s dreams and desires, which is highly beneficial to the stubborn and competitively energetic Aries child.


Gemini mums are heavily defined by thought and quick-wit, with a less emotional complex. Gemini mothers can potentially become unemotional, showcasing their affection and love through practical and materialistic means rather than emotional support and conversation. Aries children are less likely to accept gifts of wealth and materialistic items in exchange for emotional connection and can become ruthless in telling their parents so.



Cancerian mums have a nurturing approach to parenting that the Aries child will benefit from as they become more naturally relaxed. Cancers are also quite intuitive and caring, which allows them to give a depth of understanding to their child’s need for being on the go as well as competitive streaks.


Cancerian mums are quite often overprotective and controlling, which is not ever going to sit well with an Aries, it will only give rise to the opportunity for the Arian child to rebel.



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Leo’s don’t mind a bit of mess around the home and can laugh off children’s mistakes. This allows the Arian to feel more at ease from the fear of losing whilst also allowing them to learn from their mistakes. A Leo mum will openly accept an Arian’s apology and shrug off a bad situation.


Leo mums can at times be overdramatic and stubborn regarding situations, which can create war between the two as to who will win. Leo mothers can also like to have a superiority and command
over their children, which will be rebelled against frequently by the Arian child who struggles to take others directions.



Virgo mums commonly have a highly energetic, fun and witty approach to their parenting. The Arian child will thrive off being surrounded by fun, positivity and laughter.


Virgo mums can at times be overly demanding and critical of their children, especially as a Virgo mum tends to be able to read a situation in a detailed, precise and logical manner. It can be hard at
times for the Virgo mum to understand her Arian child’s decisions and actions that are lead by impulse, rather than logic.



Libran mothers tend to be cooperative and fair-minded, allowing the Aries child to develop a sense of balance between what is right by all and what is right by themselves.


Libran mothers commonly make master manipulators, which can give rise to outbursts from the Arian child who will stubbornly be unable to adapt to the requests put on them if it is not within their own belief.



Scorpio mothers also tend to be emotional and passionate, particularly towards their children, which will create an extremely close emotional tie between mother and child. It drives the Arian children’s self-confidence forward and allows them to develop their natural leadership from a young age.


Scorpios generally have a very protective streak and can come across as strict or stubborn. The Scorpio mother can become easily frustrated by their Arian child’s stubbornness and inability to conform. Scorpio mothers can also be quite moody, which will set up for either an extremely great day together, or an extremely bad one from the moment they wake up.



The Sagittarius mother will often be about inspiring and stimulating their children through intellectual means, but also maintain a fair-minded approach. The Aries child will benefit from focussing on their intellect and natural leadership, giving rise to the opportunity for a balanced and successful life through the support of their mother.


Sagittarius mothers at times can be careless and blundering, which can create big emotional conflict between the emotional Aries. Sagittarius mothers will at times also struggle to take responsibility for their own mistakes, which will send them in a furious spin when their Aries child makes note of their mistake and attempts to prove why they were wrong and why they were right.



Capricorn mums are often found providing common sense solutions to their children’s problems. An Arian child will learn a lot of moderance and patience through this approach, rather than the fiery must-win to succeed approach they naturally take on.


On the negative, Capricorn mothers at times struggle to forgive and forget their children’s wrongdoings by them. This can create heated arguments between the Arian child and mother, as the Arian child will rebel when having to accept that they haven’t succeeded in their plans.



Aquarius mothers tend to be open communicators with their children, which the Arian baby will benefit from the freedom to talk about their goals, dreams and challenges.


Aquarius mothers have stubborn and analytical mindsets that are less emotional in nature. An Aquarius mother at times holds the belief that materialistic gifts are of similar value to emotional connection, which could give rise to differences in expectations and demands from the Arian child.



Piscean mothers are naturally intuitive, emotional and nurturing which will allow the Arian child to learn to stop putting so much emphasis on success and winning. The Piscean mother will comfort
the Aries baby when things don’t go their way.


On the negative, Piscean mothers can become dependent on their Aries child as they grow older, as the Aries child has the natural talent of leadership. This can create issues of feeling burdened and responsible within the Aries child, to support and maintain their mothers wellbeing.

This article has been republished with permission from Kidspot.