Ariel Lin Reveals How She Gets Along Really Well With Her In-Laws

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The Taiwanese actress lives with her in-laws and gets to spend a lot of time with them.

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For many of us, winning over the in-laws may be the most challenging part of marriage. But there are also those who are lucky to be welcomed by them like they are your own child. And Ariel Lin is one of the lucky ones to get along really well with her in-laws even without her husband around. 

Find out what the 39-year-old Taiwanese actress’ secret is in creating a close relationship with both of her in-laws. 

Ariel Lin Get Along Well With In-Laws Even When Her Husband Is Away

ariel lin husband

Image source: Weibo / Ariel Lin

Ariel Lin and her husband, Taiwanese-American businessman Charles Lin, have been married since 2015. Since then the couple has lived together with his parents in Taiwan. 

While Charles travels around for work, Ariel is often left alone in their household with her in-laws. And with all the alone time she gets to spend with them, the actress is able to get along with them. 

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Image source: Weibo / Ariel Lin

Ariel shared the many things she does with her mother-in-law. They apparently often go for cooking classes together, watch movies, and attend social gatherings. 

As per 8days, she said spending time with her in-laws is “not difficult at all because I truly want to see them happy”. She even calls them her “second set of parents”. 

There Have Been Some Downsides

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Image source: Weibo / Ariel Lin

While Ariel Lin does get along well with her husband’s parents, there have been moments when it wasn’t always just sunshine and rainbows.

She said, “Saying that I’ve never felt any negative emotions [when I was interacting with my in-laws] would be a lie, but whenever I feel that way I’ll think about how everyone has their shortcomings. If you feel like you’ve been wronged, will you look like a tolerant person to the other party?”

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Ariel is used to putting herself in the shoes of other people, and feeling empathy has helped her let go of all the negativity she has felt towards other people. She shared how it’s a skill she “learned very early on in life because of [her] profession”.

It comes as no surprise now how the actress gets get along well with her in-laws. 

Lead image source from Weibo / Ariel Lin.

Source: 8days


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Written by

Ally Villar