"Argentina Lost, So I Can't Have Your Baby."

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In the Southwest of China, within the Chongqing Muncipality, a couple is suffering from a severe strain in their marriage...because of a World Cup match.

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No babies because Argentina lost to Germany

A lot of the people who watched the Germany-Argentina match left with their hearts broken. In the Southwest of China, within the Chongqing Muncipality, however, one couple came out of the match with their marriage broken.

The couple had an agreement on when they would have their baby, depending on the outcome of the Argentina-Germany World Cup quarter finals played out on 3rd June. The 25 year-old wife, an ardent Argentina fan, was already reluctant to have a baby after marriage but agreed that, should Argentina win the match, she would. In commemoration of her team. Should they lose, however, the baby would be held off by one year for every goal Germany scored.

As it happened, Argentina lost. And to add insult to injury, the husband, a Germany fan, laughed at and gloated over his team crushing hers 4-0 in the game.

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Tempers flared, however, when the wife declared that, according to the terms of the contract, the baby was to be put off for 4 years. This incited the husband’s mother to get involved, and demand that they get a divorce if she refused to have the baby, which in turn resulted in the wife leaving for her marital home. The couple still remains in disagreement.

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What do you think? Should couples base such agreements on football? Should the husband’s family be more understanding? Share your views with us below!

Written by

Miss Vanda