April Fools’ Day is this Friday and if you love pranks, then you’re probably excited as all hell for the best pranking holiday there is.
While it’s fun to prank our co-workers, friends, and spouses, the real fun comes from pranking your kids. They’re gullible, innocent, and unsuspecting. In other words, they;re the perfect targets for some harmless fun!
Earlier this week, BuzzFeed posted an article with tons of elaborate ways to prank your kids this coming April Fools’ Day. Their list is expansive, to say the least. That’s why we took the liberty of finding some of the simplest, and easiest tricks from their list and gathered them here in this concise (and very annoying) listicle!
Here are 8 April Fool’s Day pranks that will annoy your kids beyond belief:
1. Money in a book
Simple enough, right? Just snip the corner of a bill, or maybe even print out an imitation bill and place it towards the corner of a book. This April Fools’ Day, you can guarantee your kids will have a book in their hands.
2. Candied caramel onions
“Who wants a candied caramel onion?” said no one ever. That’s why when your kids bite into what they think is a candied caramel apple and spit it out with disgust on their faces, you’ll know you did April Fools’ Day the right way.
3. No bake mashed potato and bean cookies
When your kids bite into this gooey treat, they’ll surely be expecting yummy no bake chocolate chip cookies! What they’ll actually be getting is mouthful of potatoes and beans. Scrumptious.
To see more ways to prank your kids this April Fools Day, click next to read on!
4. Tape the remote control sensor
This one will have your kids shaking the remote like a salt shaker! They’ll be frustrated as heck when they can’t get the channel to change from Discovery Channel.
5. Freeze Their Cereal
This one will take a bit of prep work but it’s definitely worth it! The perfect prank to start April Fools’ Day, not to mention it takes almost no work at all.
6. Krispy Kreme!? Nope…veggies
Bring home a box of delicious Krispy Kreme treats…sort of. Your kids will open up the box to see some freshly baked…veggies. “Great,” they’ll say.
7. “Bug” your kids with these cutouts
Your kids will “bug” out when they see these creepy crawler cutouts!
8. Challenge them with an unbeatable maze
Tease your kids with a seemingly harmless puzzle that is impossible to beat! You can find the printable version of the maze here.
There you have it, parents. Let your kids know you love them by teasing and pranking them this April Fools’ Day with these 8 fun tricks. Enjoy, pranksters!
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