"Sexiest Asian DJ" reported to have attempted to kidnap her own daughter

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Vietnamese DJ, Angie Vu Ha was detained while trying to leave New York with her daughter on the flight to Vietnam. Read the story here...

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Angie Vu Ha is known as the “sexiest Asian DJ” and just three years ago, was based in Singapore. She is also mum to nine-year-old daughter, Isabella.

According to AsiaOne, the Vietnamese bombshell was allegedly arrested at New York’s Kennedy Airport on the 3rd of November, when she was about to get on a flight with Isabella to Vietnam.


It seems that the Vietnamese DJ does not have legal custody of her daughter — the girl’s biological father biological father, Richard Froger, does instead.

He obtained an arrest warrant from a family court in Paris in response to Vu’s failure to abide by their agreement to return the child.

The DJ is reported to be in jail after being detained, and is currently being held in a dormitory with other female prisoners.

According to reports, Vu said her time so far in prison has been a “nightmare” and “terrifying,” but she is focused on being reunited with her daughter who she raised until the girl was seven.

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“I just mind my business and be respectful to everybody, but the fear is there.

“The fighter in me is keeping me strong, believing that I have done all the right things and everything’s gonna be alright.”

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Parental child abduction in Singapore

In Singapore, parental child abduction is not considered a criminal issue but is viewed as a civil matter.

The Singapore Central Authority helps in:

  • Providing information on and assisting parents with their applications for the return of their child who has been removed from the country of habitual residence, where he or she normally lives in, or retained in another country or territory, resulting in the breach of rights of custody attributed to one parent
  • Working with other relevant Contracting State’s Central Authority on such applications

If your child has been removed to or retained in Singapore, the Singapore Central Authority can assist in facilitating:

  • The location and voluntary return of the child, and
  • The care and protection of the child where necessary

Singapore Central Authority may also provide information on:

  • How to apply to the Family Court
  • Legal aid
  • Services for counselling and emotional support

Do consult the authorities and get legal advice before taking any action, if you need to. 

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Written by

Jasmine Yeo