Study confirms that aluminium does cause Alzheimer's disease

For decades, aluminium has been named as one of the causes of Alzheimer's. Now, a recent study offers compelling proof to the connection.

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Scientists have suspected for decades that aluminium causes Alzheimer’s disease. However, without direct evidence to confirm their theory, there hasn’t been any consensus regarding the connection, until now.

Patients with Alzheimer’s have high amounts of aluminium in their brain

Professor Chris Exley, from Keele University in the UK, conducted a study and tested the brain tissues of 12 donors suffering from Alzheimer’s. And researchers found that they all had elevated levels of aluminium in their brain tissue.

He writes, “We already know that the aluminium content of brain tissue in late-onset or sporadic Alzheimer’s disease is significantly higher than is found in age-matched controls.”

“So, individuals who develop Alzheimer’s disease in their late sixties and older also accumulate more aluminium in their brain tissue than individuals of the same age without the disease.”

“In my view, the findings are unequivocal in their confirmation of a role for aluminium in some if not all Alzheimer’s disease.”

“Aging is the main risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease and aluminium accumulates in human brain tissue with aging.”

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Even if there is a connection, there are also other factors

In spite of his team’s findings, Prof. Exley still believes that a number of other factors contribute to Alzheimer’s disease, not just elevated levels of aluminium.

These factors can include genetic factors. A genetic predisposition to a higher risk of acquiring the disease exists in some people.

He adds, “At the very least, these new results should encourage everyone and even those who have steadfastly maintained that aluminium has no role in the disease to think again.”

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“I don’t believe that is the only factor, but I think it is an important one which should be considered very seriously.”

The Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology published Prof. Exley’s findings.

What is Alzheimer’s disease?

Alzheimer’s disease is a type of dementia that causes problems with a person’s memory, thinking, and behaviour. The various symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease usually start slow, and become worse over time.

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While age is the number one risk factor, Alzheimer’s is actually not a normal part of aging. While people aged 65 and above are the most at risk, early onset Alzheimer’s sometimes happens. This can occur when someone is in their 40s or 50s.

Sadly, there is currently no known cure for Alzheimer’s disease. And it’s a progressive disease, which means that it gets worse over time. This is why caring for patients with Alzheimer’s very important as it can vastly improve their quality of life.

Researchers are constantly looking for a cure, or a means of slowing down the effects of this debilitating disease.


Sources: Dailymail, Hippocratic Post, NZ Herald,

Written by

Nasreen Majid