All About Babies Born In 4th April – 4th May 2024

Discover the traits and fortunes of babies born between April 4th and May 4th, 2024, according to the Chinese Zodiac. Learn what the stars say about your little one!

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Babies born between 4 April and 4 May 2024 have a strong personality with independent viewpoints. Once they form their own ideas, they can become opinionated and find difficulty in making changes. They tend to get distracted easily and lack patience, hence leading to poor focus on whatever they are working on. Thus, teach your child the right values and nurture him/her to stay open to opinions from an early age.

Suitable Career Choices

Babies born this month will grow to excel in the following fields:

  • Entrepreneur
  • Marketing Manager
  • Sales Specialist
  • Investor


As your child is prone to hot body constitution issues, do encourage him/her to exercise more to expel internal heat and excess energy. Water-related sports such as swimming are recommended.

Fengshui Tips

  • Preferred Five Elements (Suitable strokes):  Metal, Water
  • Lucky Directions: West, North
  • Lucky Colours: White, Gold, Blue, Black
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Image Source: iStock

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This article was first published on Way Feng Shui and republished on theAsianparent with permission.


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