Defying Age Stereotypes at 50: Edith Tay on Motherhood & Entrepreneurship

At 50, Edith Tay shatters age stereotypes as a thriving mompreneur. Discover her inspiring story of balancing family and business with grace and grit!

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At 50, Edith Tay is a testament to resilience and tenacity in a world where the lines between professional and personal life often blur. As the Executive Director and Founder of PropertyBank, Edith has carved a niche for herself as a successful entrepreneur and a formidable mompreneur who has defied stereotypes and shattered glass ceilings. 

Her journey is one of inspiration, marked by her unwavering commitment to her family and her business and her ability to balance both with grace and determination.

Overcoming Gender-Related Challenges

For many female entrepreneurs, the path to success is often riddled with gender-related challenges. However, Edith’s approach has always been to turn these challenges into opportunities. “Don’t let gender-related challenges overwhelm you,” she advises. “In fact, use them to your advantage.” This mindset has been a driving force behind her success. Edith recalls instances where she was told that a man could do a job better. Instead of being discouraged, she used these moments as motivation to work harder and prove otherwise. Her performance speaks volumes, and it has been her ultimate response to any gender bias she encountered.

Interestingly, Edith feels that she has been fortunate in not facing significant gender-related issues, attributing this to her perspective on equality. “I never saw myself as a woman deserving more opportunities,” she explains. “A society needs both males and females. At the workplace, no woman should be given privileges. However, there’s a bit of a contradiction at home; I believe a mother’s role to accompany the child weighs more.”

Her ability to balance her roles as a mother and an entrepreneur is nothing short of remarkable. She managed her time meticulously, ensuring she was present for her children when they were awake, at dinner, and during bedtime. Work was done when they were asleep or at enrichment activities, and she even incorporated “work time” with them during their primary school years, where they did their homework alongside her.

Defying Age-Related Stereotypes

At 53, Edith continues to challenge stereotypes, particularly those related to age. “Haha, let’s mention I am in my 50s instead,” she jokes. Edith’s youthful spirit and willingness to embrace new challenges have kept her relevant and dynamic in her field. A significant milestone in her career was the launch of her YouTube channel, PropertyBank SG, which she started to enhance her company’s reach. While she outsourced the technical aspects, acknowledging her limitations, she embraced the platform with authenticity and enthusiasm, proving that age is just a number.

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Her message to others is clear: “Face your fear! Social media, especially platforms like YouTube, may be associated with younger people, but it’s not about age. It’s about authenticity.”

Balancing Motherhood and Entrepreneurship

Edith’s journey as a mompreneur is a testament to her exceptional time management and prioritisation skills. “I do not think I have to prove anything about being a mompreneur; I just have to prove that the business is making money,” she asserts. For Edith, the roles of a mother and an entrepreneur are not mutually exclusive. In fact, she believes that motherhood has equipped her with valuable skills that have benefited her business.

“Being a mother is advantageous when you run your business! The training you have as a mother enables you to be more empathetic,” she says. This empathy has translated into her leadership style, where she nurtures her team much like she would her children, providing the necessary support and independence based on their needs.

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Edith also addresses common misconceptions about working mothers, particularly the notion that children always come first. “I have to disagree with this. I know many working mothers who are responsible at work, and the very fact that they juggle both work and home makes them very productive and efficient!”

Lessons from Motherhood

Motherhood has imparted valuable lessons that Edith applies to her business practices and leadership style. She likens the stages of her children’s growth to the different needs of her employees. “Motherhood is a journey; at different stages of your child’s growing years, the priorities are different,” she notes. She applies this understanding to her team, recognising that new employees may need more nurturing while experienced ones thrive on independence.

One of the biggest challenges she faced was when her daughter was hospitalised. During this delicate time, Edith’s priorities were clear. “No millionaire clients would have mattered,” she reflects. This experience reinforced the importance of a supportive work environment, leading her to implement a buddy system at PropertyBank, ensuring that colleagues can step in for each other during critical times.

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Core Values and Entrepreneurial Beliefs

PropertyBank stands on the core values encapsulated in the acronym PROSPER, with Positive Change being the foremost. “Change is the only constant in business,” Edith emphasises. She believes that even a 1% improvement every day can lead to substantial progress over time.

Edith has also fostered a positive and transparent workplace environment at PropertyBank, with policies such as hybrid working and flexible work arrangements. “At times, when any of the colleagues need parental care or childcare leave, there are no questions asked,” she says.

Knowledge sharing is another cornerstone of her company culture. Edith encourages her team to share their learnings during weekly meetings, fostering an environment where continuous learning and improvement are prioritised.

Triumphs and Challenges

Edith’s entrepreneurial journey is marked by significant wins and lessons from challenges. One of her notable successes involved a deal with an IoT company, where her team’s collaborative approach and innovative solutions impressed the client. On the personal front, Edith faced a health challenge that required her to be home-bound for six months. Despite her absence, her business thrived, thanks to the strong team she had built.

Edith Tay’s story is one of perseverance, adaptability, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. She embodies the spirit of a true mompreneur, seamlessly blending her roles as a mother and a business leader. Her journey is a source of inspiration, proving that with determination and the right mindset, one can defy stereotypes and achieve remarkable success.

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Written by

Pheona Ilagan