This adorable Mother's Day ad proves why mums matter most

"Why Do Mums Matter?" Find out what these kids have to say in this lovely Mother's Day ad! (video below)

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Mother’s Day is right around the corner, and it seems everywhere you look on the internet, there’s nothing but commemorative and touching ads to help celebrate mommies.

One video in particular, “Why Do Moms Matter?” is making quite a splash on the web due to the fact that it’s downright adorable! The video comes to us from the minds at Chatbooks, a photo book service and application, and features kids of all ages talking about the little things that their moms do that make them special.

The results, as you can imagine, range from cute to hysterical! Let’s check out some of the highlights:

To this little guy, Mum is special because she keeps him safe…even when there’s “a rattlesnake and a scorpion around…”

For this little girl, her mum is special because she’s always proud of her! In her words, “When I do something impressive, she, like, freaks out so hard!”

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This little TMNT fan’s got an interesting view of his mother. He says that she’s Shredder and he’s Michelangelo. I’m sure what he’s trying to say is that his mum is special because she plays with him and they have fun together!

But what really matters most…is that mum is always willing to sit through another round of Frozen. Thanks Mum!

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These kids do an amazing (and adorable) job of expressing the things that make their mums great. Everyone knows that their mums are amazing, but sometimes we take the little things for granted. That’s why Mother’s Day is such an amazing holiday. It lets us celebrate the things that mums do on a daily basis and lets us show them how much they really matter to us. Ads like this do a great job of reminding us to treat the day with the most respect possible.

You can watch the entire video below, and be sure to let us know what you think:

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