Adele offended by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver's breastfeeding comments

"The pressure on us is f*cking ridiculous."

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Even though celebrity chef Jamie Oliver has tweeted (as an effort to do damage control) after his recent comments in an interview earned the ire of breastfeeding moms the world over, one mum remains unconvinced: Adele.

The pop singer and mum to a 3-year-old, was irked by Jamie Oliver saying that nursing is “easy”.

During a recent performance in London, someone in the crowd asked her about breastfeeding mums, to which she replied, “Do you know what? The pressure on us is f- – – ing ridiculous and all those people who put pressure on us can go f–k yourselves, alright?” she exclaimed. “Because it’s hard. Some of us can’t do it! I managed about nine weeks with my boobs.”

The Grammy award winning singer was never one to mince words.

“Breastfeed if you can, but don’t worry, formula Aptamil’s just as good,” she went on. “I mean, I loved it, all I wanted to do was breastfeed and then I couldn’t, and then I felt like, if I was in the jungle now back in the day, my kid would be dead because my milk’s gone. It’s not funny that’s how some of us think,”

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“We have the worst breastfeeding in the world,” Jamie, who is expecting his fifth child with wife Jools, told LBC radio in the U.K. “If you breastfeed for more than six months, women are 50% less likely to get breast cancer. When do you ever hear that? Never. It’s easy, it’s more convenient, it’s more nutritious, it’s better, it’s free.”

Adele wasn’t the only one who took offense. As various twitter users criticized Jamie for ‘mansplaining’.

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In the hopes of appeasing the backlash, the celebrity chef took to twitter and said: “I understand that breastfeeding is not easy and in some cases not even possible but just wanted to support women who DO want to breastfeed and make it easier to do so,” he wrote. “Childhood nutrition starts with supporting pregnant women properly and I expect Prime Minister David Cameron also wants to be including this in childhood obesity strategy expected shortly. As a father and father-to-be I would never want to offend women or mums as I know how incredible they are and I would get a kicking when I got home!”

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Written by

Bianchi Mendoza