Why Baby Fusses or Cries During Feeding?

It's important to understand that your baby fusses or cries during feeding is a normal part of your baby's development and growth.

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When it comes to feeding your baby, it can feel like you’ve finally got a handle on things and then suddenly, they start fussing or crying. It can be frustrating and downright confusing when you’re doing everything “right” but your baby won’t settle during mealtimes.

However, it’s important to understand that fussing or crying during feeding is a normal part of your baby’s development and growth.

While it can be challenging to deal with, it’s important to know the reasons why your baby may be fussing or crying during feeding.

There are a number of potential reasons why your baby may be fussing or crying during feeding, ranging from minor concerns to more serious health issues.

Identifying the root cause of your baby’s fussiness or crying is the first step in addressing the issue and ensuring that your baby is getting the nutrition they need.

Some common reasons for fussiness during feeding include colic, reflux, food allergies or sensitivities, teething, and illness.


1. Hunger

If a baby is hungry, it will fuss and cry during feeding. It is important to keep a feeding schedule and ensure that the baby is not hungry when trying to feed.

There are several reasons why a baby may fuss or cry during feeding, and understanding these reasons can help caregivers ensure that the baby is getting the nutrition they need. One of the most common reasons for fussiness during feeding is hunger.

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When a baby is hungry, they may become fussy or cry during feeding. To avoid this, it is important to establish a feeding schedule and make sure that the baby is not hungry when it is time to feed.

Caregivers should also pay attention to feeding cues, such as lip smacking or sucking on hands, and offer the breast or bottle before the baby becomes overly hungry.

By addressing hunger and establishing a regular feeding schedule, caregivers can help keep their baby calm and happy during feeding.


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2. Gas

Babies often swallow air while feeding, which can cause discomfort and fussiness. Burping the baby frequently during and after feeding can help alleviate gas.

As a parent, it can be distressing to see your baby fuss or cry during feeding time.

There are many possible reasons why this might occur, and one of the most common is gas. Babies often swallow air during feeding, which can lead to discomfort and fussiness.

This is especially true for infants who are bottle-fed or migrate back and forth between breast and bottle. Burping the baby frequently during and after feeding can help alleviate gas.

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As a guide to new parents, it is essential to determine the correct feeding positions and techniques that will help avoid swallowing air during feeding.

It is also important to note that gas occurs more frequently when a baby is uncomfortable, and many parents report that comforting or soothing a baby before feeding can help reduce fussiness and prevent gas from developing.


3. Reflux

If a baby has acid reflux, they may fuss and cry during feeding due to discomfort. Feeding the baby in an upright position can help reduce reflux symptoms.

If your baby fusses or cries during feeding, it can be difficult to determine the underlying cause. One possible cause could be acid reflux.

If your baby has acid reflux, it may experience discomfort during feeding, leading to fussiness or crying. To help reduce reflux symptoms, feeding the baby in an upright position can be helpful.

This allows gravity to assist in keeping food in the stomach and preventing it from flowing back up the oesophagus.

As with any concerns regarding your baby’s health, it is important to consult with a paediatrician or healthcare provider for guidance and advice on managing reflux symptoms.


4. Teething

Teething can cause discomfort and pain, making it difficult for a baby to feed. Offering a cold teething toy before feeding can help soothe the baby’s gums.

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Teething is a common source of discomfort and pain for babies, often making it difficult for them to properly feed.

As their gums become swollen and sensitive, the act of sucking can exacerbate the pain and make them fussy or refuse to eat altogether.

One way to alleviate the discomfort is by offering a cold teething toy to soothe the baby’s gums before feeding. The application of cold can help numb oral tissues, ease swelling, and provide a sense of relief for teething infants.

Caregivers should ensure the teething toys are clean and appropriately chilled before giving them to the baby to avoid any potential choking hazards.

By providing a cold teething toy before feeding, caregivers can help ensure their baby is comfortable and able to feed properly.


5. Overstimulation

If a baby is overstimulated or tired, they may fuss and cry during feeding. It is important to ensure that the baby is well-rested and in a calm environment while feeding.

Babies can fuss or cry during feeding for various reasons, and one potential explanation is overstimulation. If a baby is overstimulated or tired, it may exhibit fussy or crying behaviour during feeding.

It is vital for parents and caregivers to recognise and address overstimulation to ensure that the baby is well-rested and in a calm environment while feeding.

Infants can become overstimulated by noise, movement, or bright lights in the environment, leading to crankiness and lack of focus when feeding.

Therefore, it is essential to provide a calm and quiet environment for the baby during feeding, which can help them more easily focus on feeding and promote relaxation, leading to a less fussy and more enjoyable feeding experience.


6. Illness

One common reason why babies may fuss or cry during feeding is an illness.

If a baby is feeling unwell, they may be reluctant to eat, even if they are hungry. Illness can also cause discomfort or pain, which can make feeding an unpleasant experience for the baby.

Additionally, illness can affect the baby’s ability to swallow, leading to swallowing difficulties and fussiness during feeding. If your baby is showing symptoms of illness such as fever, vomiting, or diarrhoea, it is important to speak to your doctor for guidance.

They can help you determine if there is an underlying medical condition that needs to be addressed and provide recommendations on how to manage feedings during this time.

In conclusion, it is stressful for parents to witness their baby fussing or crying during feeding. However, it is quite common, and there could be many reasons for this behaviour.

Identifying the cause of fussiness or crying can help parents take proper action to help their baby feel more comfortable during feeding.

In most cases, it is a temporary problem that can be resolved by making simple adjustments to the feeding routine or by trying different feeding techniques.

Remember that every baby is unique, and finding what works best for your baby may take some experimentation.


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Written by

Cheryl Wong