What Parents Raising Boys Need to Do Above All Else

From teaching consent and empathy to breaking down gender stereotypes, here are some tips for raising boys to be kind, respectful, and successful members of society.

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As parents, raising boys can be a fun and rewarding experience. But with so many societal expectations and stereotypes placed on young boys, it’s important for parents to remember a few key things above all else.

Here are some things parents need to teach their sons for them to be kind, respectful, and successful members of society.


First and foremost, it’s important for parents to do their fair share of housework. This may seem like a small thing, but it sets a valuable example for boys that household chores are not just for girls. This should be emphasised whether they are raising boys or girls. 

By showing them that everyone has a part to play in keeping a home clean and organised, parents can help break down gender stereotypes and encourage boys to be responsible and independent.

Books to Read

To help teach boys about the importance of doing housework, parents can read books like “Hattie and the Fox” by Mem Fox and “Roxaboxen” by Alice McLerran. These books showcase the value of teamwork and cooperation in completing household tasks.

Another book that parents can read to their sons is “The Little House” by Virginia Lee Burton, which tells the story of a house that becomes surrounded by the city and must adapt to changing circumstances. This book can help teach boys about the importance of being flexible and taking on new responsibilities, including household chores.

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Another important lesson for parents to teach their sons is the concept of consent. Boys need to understand that other people’s bodies are their own and that it’s never okay to touch someone without their permission. By teaching boys to respect others’ boundaries, parents can help prevent sexual harassment and assault.

Books to Read

To help teach boys about the importance of consent, parents can read books like “My Body Belongs to Me” by Jill Starishevsky and “Don’t Touch My Hair!” by Sharee Miller. These books showcase the value of respecting others’ boundaries and personal space and can help boys understand the meaning of consent.

Another book that parents can read to their sons is “The Right Touch: A Read-Aloud Story to Help Prevent Child Sexual Abuse” by Sandy Kleven, which tells the story of a young boy who learns about good touch and bad touch and how to keep himself safe. This book can help boys understand the concept of consent and the importance of respecting others’ boundaries.

Not to Be a Bully

Bullying is another issue that parents of boys need to address. It’s important for parents to teach their sons to be kind and respectful to others and to never use their strength or size to bully or intimidate others. By teaching boys to be empathetic and compassionate, parents can help prevent bullying and promote positive social interactions.

Books to Read

To help their sons understand the importance of not being a bully, parents can read books like “Stand Tall, Molly Lou Melon” by Patty Lovell and “Hoot” by Carl Hiaasen.

These books showcase the value of standing up to bullies and being kind to others, and can help boys understand the negative consequences of bullying and the importance of being empathetic and compassionate.

Another book that parents can read to their boys is “The Juice Box Bully: Empowering Kids to Stand Up for Others” by Bob Sornson and Maria Dismondy, which tells the story of a group of friends who learn how to stand up to a bully and support each other. This book can help boys understand the effects of bullying and how to be an ally to those who are being bullied.

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Emotional Intelligence

In addition to teaching boys to be kind and respectful, parents also need to emphasise the importance of emotional intelligence. While IQ is certainly important, emotional intelligence is just as crucial for success in life.

Boys need to learn how to express their feelings and understand the emotions of others. It’s okay for boys to cry and talk about their feelings, and parents can help by providing a safe and supportive environment for boys to express themselves.

Books to Read

To help teach their sons about emotional intelligence, parents can read books like “The Way I Feel” by Janan Cain and “The Feeling Book” by Todd Parr. These books showcase the value of expressing and understanding emotions and can help boys understand that it’s okay to feel a wide range of emotions and that it’s important to talk about their feelings.

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Another book that can help is “The Colour Monster: A Pop-Up Book of Feelings” by Anna Llenas, which tells the story of a monster who is overwhelmed by his emotions and learns how to sort and manage them. This book can help boys understand the complexity of emotions and how to cope with them in a healthy way.

Breaking Gender Stereotypes

Another important lesson parents need to remember when raising boys is that there is no such thing as behaving “like a boy” or “like a girl.” Boys can like pink or purple, and they can enjoy activities and hobbies that are traditionally associated with girls.

By encouraging boys to explore their interests and express themselves freely, parents can help break down gender stereotypes and promote gender equality.

Books to Read

To help teach boys about breaking down gender stereotypes, parents can read books like “Red: A Crayon’s Story” by Michael Hall and “Jacob’s New Dress” by Sarah Hoffman.

These books showcase the value of being true to oneself and exploring one’s interests, regardless of societal expectations, and can help boys understand that there is no such thing as a “boy thing” or a “girl thing.”

Another book to explore is “Stella Brings the Family” by Miriam B. Schiffer and Holly Clifton-Brown, which tells the story of a girl who invites her two dads to her school’s “Bring Your Parents to School Day” and learns that families come in all shapes and sizes. This book can help boys understand the diversity of families and that there is no such thing as a “traditional” family.

They Are Loved, No Matter What

Finally, parents need to be there for their sons. Whether it’s attending a sports game or sitting down for a heart-to-heart talk, boys need to know that their parents are always there to support and encourage them. By being present and involved in their sons’ lives, parents can help them grow into confident and successful adults.

In conclusion, parents raising boys need to do their fair share of housework, teach consent, prevent bullying, emphasise emotional intelligence, break down gender stereotypes, and be there for their sons. By doing these things, parents can help raise boys to be kind, respectful, and successful members of society.

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Written by

Cheryl Wong