A Trip to the Salon Left This Mother Paralyzed After Suffering a Stroke

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A simple trip to the salon ended in tragedy for one mum after she was left paralysed after getting her hair washed.

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Have you ever heard of getting a stroke at the salon? It’s a very real risk, as the case of one woman illustrates. As she reclined her head on the basin, the angle of her neck strained her blood vessels, which in turn caused a small blood clot. Two weeks later, the blood cot turned into a stroke.

A trip to the salon usually entails a few hours of unadulterated pampering and bliss. Women are known to look forward to a day dedicated to this physical self-improvement.

Elizabeth Smith, a mother from Los Angeles, California, was one of these women, but little did she know her trip to the salon would be the last one.

Stroke at salon

At first, everything seemed to be going according to plan, until she had her hair washed. As she reclined her head on the basin, the angle of her neck strained her blood vessels which in turn caused a small blood clot.

READ: Blood Clots Can Kill!

Two weeks later, the blood cot turned into a stroke.

Elizabeth had suffered from “Beauty Parlor Stroke Syndrome”, a very real condition caused by washbasins.

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“Initially, I couldn’t walk at all. It hit both sides of my body, but more my left. I couldn’t move my left arm at all,” Elizabeth told reporters. “It was just utter disbelief. How could that happen to me?”

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Doctors told her that another stroke could end her life. Because of this, doctors now suggest using a towel to cushion the neck and not to tilt your head more than 20 degrees over the basin.

Ways to spot a stroke

If you suspect that you or someone have suffered a stroke, there are ways to tell and possibly save lives. Here’s a useful acronym to remember: F.A.S.T.

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F stands for face

Attempt to smile. If one side of your face droops, then this is a strong sign that you are having a stroke.

A for arms

Raise both of your arms. If you’re having trouble lifting it, or if one arm is higher or lower than the other, then a stroke is a strong possibility.

S for speech

Try saying a short sentence out loud, such as “London Bridge is falling down.” Repeat the sentence a few times. If you’re slurring and having trouble understanding the words, you are probably having a stroke

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T is for time

If you experience any of the above signs, then it’s crucial that you call an ambulance or a someone who could do it for you. Stroke is lethal, and time is of the essence; it can make all the difference between life and death.

This article is republished with permission from theAsianparent Philippines. 

Written by

Jared Millan