Inspiring and heartwarming: An 8-year-old's appeal to stop the haze in Singapore

Little Maya is concerned about the current haze situation in Singapore. Upon some research and reflection, she decided to pen letters to companies who are causing it to happen.

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It’s been more than a month since the haze loomed over the Singapore sky. While people are concerned about the haze situation, one child decided that enough is enough.

Maya Wishart may only be 8 years old, but her decision to take action on stopping the haze is absolutely heartwarming.

A Grade 2 student at GEMS World Academy (Singapore), this little one made the choice to pen letters to various companies, specifically those who use palm oil products.

Despite her tender age, she did her own research behind the haze and discovered that there’s a link between the haze and the palm oil production industry.

In her letters, she urged them to re-evaluate their use of this oil in their products. She wants Singapore and other countries to enjoy clear blue skies and breathe clean air again.

Little Maya’s letter has travelled all over the world via various social media platforms. It even got the attention of World Wildlife Fund Singapore.

We, at theAsianparent are truly inspired by little Maya's attitude towards caring for the world.

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Read Maya's letter below.

One of the letters that Maya wrote to the companies

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Image credit: Maya Wishart

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