8 Hilarious Ways Parenting Is Just Like The Olympic Games

Olympic athletes may have been training for their entire lives, but you've been doing some training yourself. Especially when it comes to endurance.

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In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past few weeks, you’re probably aware that the 2016 Olympics are currently being held in Rio. Whether you watch passionately, because you’re bored, or at all–for that matter– there’s no denying that most of the world find these games and tests of athleticism to be utterly fascinating.

Admittedly, I’m too wild on the olympics. However, I’ve been known to tune in and catch some of the captivating events, and awe-inspiring accomplishments of these finely-tuned athletes.

While their record-breaking feats are sure to make your jaw-drop, the thing that had me more intrigued than anything was the hilarious comparison that mom/writer Kim Bongiorno drew up between parenting and the olympic games. It sounds like a stretch, but trust me, there are a enough similar qualities to convince you otherwise!

Let’s take a look at some of the more humorous ways in which the olympics and parenting are pretty much one and the same:

1. You’ll need to pay constant attention

Similar to how judges and onlookers need to pay constant attention to their contestants from all across the globe, parents need to keep an eye out for their kids. If you blink during a gymnasts performance, you may miss one of the most incredible flips, twists, or acts you’ve ever seen. If you blink with your kids around, you might miss something that merits just as many “ooooohs” and “aaaaahhhhs”–or at least that’s what they want you to think! Either way, judges and parents both have to dish out applause after each performance.

2. Running

Olympic track stars and athletes aren’t the only ones who’ll be running around during the olympics. Moms and dads, and their kids, will have to do their own fair share of running. You may not be setting any world records in having to run around to keep up with your active kids, but you might set some personal records. Give yourself a medal, parents!

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3. Wrestling

Akin to running, wrestling isn’t exclusive to the summer athletes in Rio. In fact, if you’re the proud parent of boys, you’ll probably have to be mediating and breaking up your own wrestling matches around the house. The only problem is that these participants aren’t exactly trained in the art of wrestling, and they won’t be winning any medals. Also, they probably won’t be receiving any cheers anytime soon!


Check out the rest of the hilarious list by clicking next to visit the next page!

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4. Holding your breath and hoping for the best

You know that feeling when you watch those crazy gymnasts running around, flipping, tumbling, hopping, and doing crazy aerial acts and your heart skips a beat? That’s what we mean here. Just like watching those crazy contestants, you’ll probably have times when you see your kids engage in some activity that’ll have you holding you breath, skipping a heartbeat, and wishing for nothing but the best until they land or get back on their feet safely and soundly. It’s all part of parenting…and being a spectator of the olympics.


5. Pride

Pride is one of the most fundamental human feelings that are evoked during the olympics. Pride for your country. Pride for yourself. Pride for the overall spirit of competition. There’s nothing but proud individuals in the games, and even in the stands. Much like the pride you feel towards watching the athletes of your nation compete, you feel a similar pride in parenting. Watching your kids thrive and do their best–hell, it’s hard to not feel proud in their development.

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6. Endurance

Olympic athletes may have been training for their entire lives, but you’ve been doing some training yourself. Especially when it comes to endurance. You’ve mastered the ability of being a light sleeper to accommodate your crying newborn. You’ve practiced for years in the art of getting kids to eat their veggies. You’re even a gold medal winner in changing diapers. Through it all, you’ve developed endurance and patience. Which, among many things, are qualities that olympic athletes have in spades.


7. Love for the game

The contestants in the olympic games don’t just compete because they’re proud to represent their homes; they do it for sheer love of the game. Why else would they dedicate their lives to a competition? The fact of the matter is, that even though parenting–in its own myriad of ways–is challenging and even competitive, parents love it. They love the thrill of watching kids grow, helping them to grow, and being part of the experience of successfully raising a child. Parents and olympic athletes go through the fire and flames because they love their respective “games”.


8. Competitive spirit

The contestants in the olympics are far from subtle about the competitive spirit, but then again, the same can be said about some parents. Heck, even the most humble and friendly parents feel the urge to compete against their peers to come out on top as “#1 parent”. Keep in mind that all of these competitions amongst athletes (and parents) are to be friendly, and there’s no denying that both are subject to go head to head with one another from time to time.


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This list was inspired by an article from Momtastic

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