7 Purifying Plants To Keep Your Home Toxin-Free

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Make sure to check that they're not toxic, in case idle hands and hungry mouths snack on them!

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Plants can do wonders for our physical and mental health. A couple of well-placed plant pots add colour and bring the outdoors in into your home. They also do a great job at keeping dengue at bay while livening up an office or home. And if you know your botany well enough, picking the best indoor plants to purify air can keep a clean bill of health at home or work.

You might not be aware of a build-up of toxic emissions from building materials, such as benzene, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide. That’s why it’s worth sacrificing style for substance. Although that sunflower would really help the living room look a lot happier, it won’t do much for clearing the air (and will make you sneeze a lot more!) Deciding which plants to buy depends on your lifestyle and the company you keep since some of these natural air purifiers can be harmful to children and pets. Check out our suggestions for best indoor plants to purify air to keep your home safer and toxin-free.

7 of the best indoor plants to purify air

1. Areca Palm

7 Purifying Plants To Keep Your Home Toxin-Free

Image source: iStock

Toxins purified: benzene, carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene

These plants can grow quite tall and are distinguishable by their balmy leaves. They’re one of the best indoor plants to purify air because of how many toxic emissions they can clear. Remember to wipe the leaves clean and expose the plant to lots of sunlight.

The leaves aren’t toxic to children and pets if eaten.

2. Snake Plant

Toxins purified: benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene

The patterns on its leaves give this plant its unique name. It doesn’t require too much water, so it makes it pretty hard to kill. And it clears up a lot of toxic emissions from common building materials. Placing a snake plant in your bedroom can help you sleep better as it efficiently converts carbon monoxide into oxygen.

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3. Money Plant/Golden Pothos

Image source: iStock

Toxins purified: xylene, benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene.

It’s also known as Devil’s Ivy thanks to its tenacity to live. Part of its survival mechanism involves having toxic leaves if ingested – keep in mind if you have kids or pets around the house often!

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The plant spreads its vines with heart-shaped leaves sprouting from the branches. Its a very easy houseplant to look after and keeps the house free from common toxins like formaldehyde.

4. Boston Fern

Toxins purified: formaldehyde, xylene

Boston Fern is a bushy plant that’s easy to use as decoration. Its loose and easy form makes it suitable for bookshelves or suspended on a shelf. Keep this plant away from direct sunlight and water it frequently. It’s also safe to keep around children and pets.

5. Bamboo Palm

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Image source: iStock

Toxins purified: benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene

The bamboo palm improves how your home feels aesthetically and physically. It’s one of the best indoor plants to purify air that requires very little maintenance – just water when you feel the top layer of soil gets dry. Best of all, they’re pet-friendly while also being very effective at clearing the air.

6. Spider Plant

Toxins purified: formaldehyde and xylene

People scared of the eight-legged critters fear not. Its one of the best indoor plants to purify air and as decoration thanks to its striking accented design. The spider plant is considered a houseplant of choice because its very easy to grow in tropical weather.

7. Aloe Vera

Image source: iStock

Toxins purified: formaldehyde

You may have heard of aloe vera as a delicious processed drink. But the plant is also a very effective houseplant because its leaves have anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera is commonly used to soothe burns and wounds, which gives even more reason to keep one around! However, make sure it’s out of reach for children and pets as the leaves are deadly if consumed raw.


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This article first appeared on NONILO.com and was republished on theAsianparent with permission.

Written by

Vinnie Wong