6 Effective Tips to Help Your Child Sleep Better at Night

As a parent you might already know how important sleep is for your kids. If you are struggling to establish a sleep schedule for your child, follow these tips.

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Are you one of those parents who struggle with bedtime chaos when it comes to putting your child to bed? Is your child getting sufficient sleep?

Research reveals that a good night’s sleep is crucial for children: four- to six-year-olds should be getting 10 hours of sleep and seven- to 13-year-olds should be getting at least nine hours of sleep.

The benefits of sufficient sleep are many. They include the following:

  • Helps to boost learning and aids in better memory
  • Promotes healthy growth through secretion of growth hormones during sleep
  • Plays a vital role in strengthening the immune system and regulating weight
  • Regulates mood so child is less prone to frustration and temper tantrums

Tips to help you establish a good bedtime routine for your child

  1. Establish an enjoyable routine before bedtime. Routines create expectation and if it is an enjoyable process, your kids will look forward to it.

Well, we recommend some steps to ensure that bedtime goes smoothly, and has some element of fun attached to it.

  • Give your child a bath.
  • Brush your child’s teeth (or your child brushes and you supervise).
  • Pick comfortable nightwear for your child (Pajamas are comfy and cute).
  • Do a wind-down activity like keeping a journal, colouring, reading a bedtime story or even listening to music. This will help your child relax and anticipate bedtime.
  1. Create a comfortable environment in the bedroom. Keeping it quiet, cool and dark can help your child feel comfortable. Use a dim light if your child is afraid of the dark. If you keep it nice and cozy, your child would want to go into that space.
  2. Let your child wind down for sleep. Avoid things that may stimulate your child during bedtime. There are misconceptions that you need to tire out your child or to use digital devices to wind down. What would really work is steering clear of vigorous activities, bright screens, or caffeinated beverages.
  3. Consistency is key. This means that your child’s bedtime routine does not change even during holidays or weekends. Make sure to do your routine regularly if you can’t do it every single night. Mums and dads, we know it is hard but you can do it. Here is how Zoe Chu, mother of 4, handled this challenge:

“I remember as first time parents, my husband and I struggled with sleep issues with our twins because we were totally clueless. However, once we learnt how to build in healthy sleep habits for them, our lives changed for the better. Changing a habit takes time, consistency and patience on our part. It is all worth it because getting enough sleep has helped us create a loving home, with happy and well-rested parents and children. We are also enjoying our parenthood journey a lot more.”

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  1. Make your child feel secure by providing them with assurance. This can be a personal object such as a soft toy or blanket.
  2. Don’t allow naps near bedtime. It will be difficult to put your child to bed at the usual time and your child may not stay asleep through the night.

Mums and dads, bedtime with your kids should be a time to share stories and smiles. With the above tips, let’s turn bedtime chaos to sleep time serenity so that we ensure that our kids get as much sleep as they need at their age. 

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Click here for more information on sleep and tips for quality sleeping.


Written by

Dayniel Garcia