6 things you should do before your baby turns 1 year old

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Your baby's first year will come and go faster than you can imagine, so parents, enjoy every minute of it!

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Your baby’s first year may be full of tears — yours included — but this year will come and go before you know it. Here are some things you should definitely do with your baby before they turn one year old, as compiled from Romper, Fit Pregnancy, and Babble.

1. Babywear

Now’s the time to get the most out of your baby sling/carrier. You won’t be able to wear your baby like this forever. Cherish the months when all you had to do was swaddle your baby up in a sling to get him to zonk out blissfully on your chest.

before baby turns 1

2. Dress them in an adorable costume

Sure, you’ll still be able to dress your child in cute costumes in the future, but there’s just something extra cute about small babies in costume. Make the most of these years — it won’t be long before your baby won’t be as obliging with your little whims.

3. Show your baby the world

If you can, go traveling with your baby. Though she probably won’t remember any of your travels, it can be much easier to travel with a baby than with a toddler, so now’s your chance to see the sights with the least complications possible. It’ll give you that boost of positivity that you’ll need!

 4. Record videos

It’s a given that you’d be taking a lot of photos, but record videos as well, and record plenty. Don’t just record the big moments. Record the small, everyday things. Your baby’s laugh and cry. Bath times. Feeding times. Funny faces and reactions. These moments may be fleeting, but at least you’ll be able to relive them later.

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Photo: Dreamstime

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5. Build your family bond

This first year will serve as your family’s transitional period, whether you already have kids or not. It’s easy to get lost in to-do lists and the different demands that come with welcoming a baby into your home, but don’t succumb to stress. Take time to work on your family’s bond by creating traditions and celebrating your family’s new identity.

6. Journal

Sure, you’re taking a lot of videos and photos, but those alone can’t capture everything. And while a journal can’t do exactly that, a journal can help you remember how you feel right now. Keeping a journal will also help you process your emotions and memories and make sense of what’s going on with your life. Maybe one day, when your child is older, you can even share this journal with her.

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Written by

Cristina Morales