Evil aunt arrested for boy's death

Here is yet another case of a young child who suffered under a relative's care. Aunt's ill-treatment of the boy might have led to his death on Sunday morning.

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Evil aunt kills nephew

A 5-year-old found dead was left at home alone with his older brother in the early hours of Sunday morning.  The boy, Muhammad Irfan and his elder brother were under the care of their aunt, a dishwasher, Madam Sapiah Awang, 47, while their parents are currently in jail.

Muhammad Irfan was found lying motionless on a mattress in their living room floor in Teck Whye, by Madam Sapiah at 2.15am and was pronounced dead by the police at 2.35am.   Muhammad Irfan was found with bruises on his wrist.  His aunt claims he and his brother often tied each other up while playing police and thief.

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At the time of discovery, a 72 year-old family friend of Madam Sapiah was in the house.  He had been living there for a month and often helped to look after the children as well.  Both he and neighbour, Mohd Atan, 82, claimed they saw blood on the boy’s genitals as well as bruises.

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However, on Monday, Madam Sapiah has been arrested in connection to his death.  She is believed to have ill-treated both Muhammad Irfan and his elder brother.  According to Straits Times, friends and neighbours had seen her  tying the boys’ hands while she was at work to stop any mischief.  The police are still investigating.

There seems to be a report of a child who died or suffered under ill-fated care every month.  Tell us what you think is going on in our Singapore community? What can our social system do better to protect these children?

Written by

Wafa Marican