5 Reasons to Not Concede to Your Child's Request for a Pet

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You might want to take that little doggy in the window home for your own little ones, but that may not be such a good idea!

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Pets are like part of a family. Unless you are ready for a new addition to yours, don’t get one. 987 cases of abuse and neglect to pets were reported to the SPCA between July 2010 and June 2011.

This shows a fifteen percent increase from the previous year. Many families neglect and abuse their animals purely because they are too busy or frustrated with their own lives.

5 signs that show you are not ready to buy a pet or adopt an animal:

1. You spend only three to four hours at home on a working day.

Source: iStock

If you have a very heavy workload, social life or are too busy with your kids, chances are your pet will be neglected. Neglecting your pet can lead to the pet throwing tantrums (if it’s a bigger animal, like a cat of dog) or even dying (pets like hamsters and fish).

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2. You are very particular about how well-kept your house is.

Be prepared to have your house get very messy. If you think a baby is messy, a pet is a whole new ball game. Expensive furniture, carpeting and designer shoes are all prone to damage, so be wary.

RELATED: Boy mauled by family dog after school

3. Your have a child that is still an infant.

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Having a baby requires lots of attention and you will not have the time and energy that you require to spend on your pet. Your child will not be able to enjoy the pet as much as he/she would in a few years. If you do have a baby and a pet or want to, you should read this.

4. Your income is just right to keep your family comfortable.

Having a pet is expensive. In Singapore you require a licence for your pet. Bigger animals like cats and dogs need a microchip embedded into their skin in case they get lost. There are veterinary expenses, grooming and food that need to be spent on as well. Unless you can afford to keep an animal, it is advisable to avoid adopting one.

RELATED: Financial checklist for new parents

5. You think having an animal would be nice, but you aren’t dying to get one.

If you aren’t passionate about the pet you are planning to adopt, don’t get one. Pets need love and care. It isn’t the same as taking home a new piece of furniture. You need to treat your pet as a part of your family.

Ideally, getting a pet for your child before they are teenagers is appropriate, given you meet the criteria above. Irene Chan-Whitlam says ”I would only consider getting a pet for my child when she’s old enough to understand the responsibilities of having one and looking after it.”

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RELATED: What pet is right for my child?

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Source: My Paper  – Affluence behind rise in cases of pet abuse

Written by

Miss Vanda