21st Century Parenting 101: Hear From Our Experts About Everything from S.T.E.M to Your Child’s Digital Well Being

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Hey parents, are you worried about raising children to thrive in the ever-changing times we live in? With the rapid advancement of technology and artificial intelligence taking over many aspects of our lives, raising children today comes with many challenges. We hear you, and we know parenting is never a walk in the park. To make this easier for you, PCF has organised a parenting conference. Experts will address a wide range of topics like S.T.E.M. and the digital wellbeing of children among others. Here’s what you need to know.   

Our Aim – To Raise the Quality of Preschool Education        

PCF Sparkletots, the organisers of this parenting conference, is Singapore’s largest preschool operator and employer. They have close to 360 preschools island wide. Over the years, PCF has launched several initiatives to raise preschool education quality. Some of these include offering a diverse range of learning programmes, improving the curriculum and facilities, and constantly providing staff with professional development opportunities.

But here’s the thing: A strong partnership between home and school is crucial to make your child’s educational journey both meaningful and effective. As such, PCF has organised the PCF Sparkletots Parenting Conference to help parents make sound decisions about your child’s education and future.

Details of Our Parenting Conference Event

This May, you can look forward to an exciting 2-day parenting conference organised by PCF Sparkletots in conjunction with the Singapore Parenting Festival. Visit spf2023.com/pcf to register your slot!

Date: 20th & 21st May

Venue: Our Tampines Hub

Read on to learn more about who the speakers are and what exciting topics are in store!

What to Look Forward To – Keynote Speakers

  1. Keynote Speaker 1: How to Prepare Your Child for Primary 1 (11.30am – 12.00pm)

Choosing the right primary school is a decision that Singaporean parents may spend months, if not years grappling with. Getting through the registration process for primary 1 is a major stress point. But it doesn’t end there. Parents often worry if their children are prepared for primary 1. Some parents go the extra mile to enrol their children in enrichment classes for this matter. All children enter primary school with different levels of development and academic readiness, and that’s alright. Keynote speaker Mr Charles Chan, the principal of Henry Park Primary School will address this and share what you can, and shouldn’t do, to prepare your child for primary school. He will also share about the initiatives that schools are taking to help your child to make a seamless transition to primary school.  It’s worth listening to!

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  1. Keynote Speaker 2: Importance of Parental Involvement for School Transition Success (12.00pm – 12.30pm)

Is your child about to start preschool? Or is your child about to transition from preschool to primary school? It may not sound like much, but your child is facing a slew of challenges in the process. Did you know that you play a critical role in promoting your child’s school readiness? In this talk, Dr Lau Yi Hung Eva, Associate Professor and Associate Head of Department of Early Childhood Education at the Education University of Hong Kong, will guide you on facilitating your child’s behaviours, emotions, attitudes, routines and sociality to help them thrive in their new learning environment. Dr. Lau has conducted over 100 sessions of parent education training, so you’re bound to learn a thing or two!

Topics Covered in Day 1

Panel 1

1. Parcsen Loke, Family Life Educator and Coach, Centre for Fathering

Topic: Why Fathers Should Read to and Play with their Kids

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Time: 3.00pm – 3.15pm

2. Chia Moira Suyin, Consultant, Department of Paediatric Medicine, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital

Topic: Tummy Time for My Child – Why, When and How?

Time: 3.15pm – 3.30pm

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3. Kelly Tay, Founder of Juicy Parenting

Topic: Mai Kancheong – How to Cultivate Patience in Kids
Time: 3.30pm – 3.45pm  

Panel 2

1. Aishah Abdul Rahman, Education Research Scientist, Office of Education Research, Research Scientist, National Institute of Education Office of Education Research

Topic: Executive Functions and Early Literacy

Time: 5.30pm – 5.45pm

2. Mary Lee Lay Choo, Lecturer, Psychologist

Topic: Bilingualism in Early Childhood

Time: 5.45pm – 6.00pm

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3. Teo You Se, Educational Therapist, Inclusive Education Team, PAP Community Foundation

Topic: Literacy Begins at Home

Time: 6.00pm – 6.15pm

Topics Covered in Day 2

Panel 3

1. Shem Yao, Head, TOUCH Parenting, a service of TOUCH Community Services

Topic: Before IT all Happens!

Time: 1.00pm – 1.15pm

2. Chitra Ramalingam, Associate Consultant, Department of Child Development, KK Women’s and Children’s Hospital

Topic: Parenting in the Digital Age

Time: 1.15pm – 1.30pm

3. Law Evelyn Chung Ning, Assistant Professor, Department of Paediatrics, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore

Topic: The Potential Benefits and Dangers of Digital Media Use in Young Children

Time: 1.30pm – 1.45pm

Panel 4

1. Tan Kok Siang, Senior Consultant (Science and STEM Education), SG Reflect, Senior Lecturer, Retired (Science and Education), NIE, NTU

Topic: Learning-Thinking Approaches Supporting Young Learners’ Engagement in STEM Learning

Time: 3.15pm – 3.30pm

2. Jeffrey Nah, CEO of JN Capital & Growth Advisor, Founder & CEO of Future Ready Academy

Topic: S.T.E.A.M. into the Future

Time: 3.30pm – 3.45pm

3. Nancy Soon, Founder, Stemie Advantages Ltd

Topic: What Do You Do with a Chance?

Time: 3.45pm – 4.00pm


Day 1

Workshop 1:

Rachel Nip & Elisa Mustika from Singapore Wolf Trap Teaching Artist

Title of Workshop: Words Around the World (1-3 years)

Time: 4.15pm – 5.00pm

Workshop 2

Dr. Lau Yi Hung Eva, Associate Professor and Associate Head, Department of Early Childhood Education, The Education University of Hong Kong

Title of Workshop: Parent-child Games for Promoting Children’s Executive Functions

Time: 4.30pm – 5.15pm

Day 2

Workshop 3:

Rachel Nip & Elisa Mustika from Singapore Wolf Trap Teaching Artist

Title of Workshop: Words Around the World (4 -6 years)

Time: 10.00pm – 10.45 am

Workshop 4:

Jodi Thiele, Operations Lead, Playeum

Title of Workshop: Exploring Materials and Movements with Puppets (1-3 years old)

Time: 10.00am – 10.45 am

Workshop 5

Lydia Tan, Manager, Audience Engagement, CMSG

Title of Workshop: See-Think-Wonder!

Time: 11.00am – 11.45am

Workshop 6

Maliah Zubir & Jade Teo, Associate Librarians

Title of Workshop: Raising Readers for Life | Early READ

Time: 11.00am – 11.45am

Workshop 7

Charlotte Goh, Executive Director Playeum

Title of Workshop: Let’s Make Playful Connections with Puppets! (4-6 years old)

Time: 2.15pm – 3.00pm

Workshop 8

Lee Wey Ying & Yap Jing Wen Curriculum Specialist, PCF

Title of Workshop: Empowering Your Child: A Body Safety Workshop for Parents and Children

Time: 2.15pm – 3.00pm

Workshop 9

Siti Nasyihin Binte Gazali, Training and Curriculum Executive

Title of Workshop: Introduction to KUBO

Time: 4.30pm – 5.15pm

Workshop 10

Nancy Soon, Founder, Stemie Advantages Ltd

Time: 4.30pm – 5.15pm

Today’s Effort for a Better Tomorrow

Mums and Dads, remember parenting isn’t necessarily a walk in the park. Some days you feel like you have it all under control while on other days it may seem overwhelming even for the best of us. Help and support is available, and it always helps to listen to the wisdom of those who have been there, done it, or better yet – researched it! Join us at the PCF Sparkletots Parenting Conference and learn some useful tips that will guide your parenting journey! Register now at spf2023.com/pcf and attend for FREE!

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