11-year-old boy reportedly committed suicide in Fernvale Link

A body of an 11-year-old male student was found at the foot of block 470 Fernvale link yesterday.

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On 18 May, Lianhe Zaobao reported that a body of an 11-year-old boy was found dead at the foot of Block 470 in Fernvale Link at around 6:50am that Wednesday morning.

The boy who was a Primary 5 student from an “elite” school was said to be in his school uniform and was supposed to head to school to collect his exam papers for his parents to sign.

The boy’s mother was sitting on the ground, crying when reporters arrived to the scene. Residents in the area stated that the boy’s father was seen kneeling by his son’s corpse and apologising profusely.

A 19-year-old resident in the area said that he heard a loud thud in that morning followed by loud cries of the boy’s mother.

Another resident stated that the family was quarrelling before the incident took place and that the boy fell after his father went down to get his car.

The boy’s mother has stated that her son was very lively in the morning before he fell.

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The police has classified the case as unnatural death.
We at theAsianparent send our deepest condolences to the family of the boy during this tough period.


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READ MORE: Singaporean mum breaks down: “My son said he wants to kill himself”

Source: Lianhe Zaobao

Image credit: (Lianhe Zaobao)


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Written by

Pavin Chopra