'We would make more renting it out': Family lets 102-year-old mum run Beauty World Centre shop to stay busy

"This store does not make a profit, it is just for her to pass time. We would make more money renting it out."

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A 102-year-old woman went viral on TikTok after a customer posted a video of her selling snacks, toys, and other peripheral items at a provision store located in Beauty World Centre.

The shop, Lean Seng Lee Trading, is run by Sie Choo Yong whose family also owns Lean Seng Lee Goldsmith located at the same shopping centre in Upper Bukit Timah, reported Today.

In the video posted on Wednesday (June 12), TikTok user Dinahnahnah can be seen seeking support from the public, asking others to visit the shop if they’re in the area nearby.

The video later shows how Sie runs her store, selling items at a cheap price and mistakenly undercharging customers.

Nearest mrt is Beauty world mrt, downtown line. Drop by if you can! ☺️ ♬ Little Things – Adrian Berenguer

After choosing to get two lollipops for $2 from the store, the elderly woman then gives Dinahnahnah more lollipops for free and can also be seen undercharging her husband who can be seen buying snacks. Sie then refuses to keep the couple’s change when offered, and stuffs more snacks into their plastic bag.

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The couple say that they can’t understand Sie at times, as her voice isn’t clear and often communicates with gestures. The video also shows a passer-by who works at a nearby McDonald’s outlet helping the couple communicate with Sie during their purchase.

‘This store does not make a profit’

The store is owned by Sie’s youngest son and he said she is just helping to manage the store because she feels bored at home, reported Today.

He further shared that the business was passed down by the family and he decided to continue opening the store mainly to let his mother do simple jobs to keep her occupied.

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Although the store was not making any money, the family said they do not have any plans to sell the store for now.

Her second oldest son Lean Kee Suh, 66, told Today that Sie is extremely healthy and rarely visits the hospital. 

“She is healthier than me,” he said, adding that he was diagnosed with diabetes. 

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“This store does not make a profit, it is just for her to pass time. We would make more money renting it [out].” 

The mother of seven, and grandmother to 27 grandchildren, also said she hopes to continue taking care of the store until she is no longer physically able to do so, reported 8World.

This article was first published in AsiaOne and republished on theAsianparent with permission.

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