10-year-old girl died saving a two-year-old from a moving SUV

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Reports said that the two girls were playing outside on a sloping driveway where a 1999 Mercedes was parked when suddenly the car shifted into neutral and began to roll down toward the girls’ path

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Heroes don’t always come in a flashy costume and billowing capes. At the risk of sounding cliché, most heroes are the least unlikely persons in our lives.

For this two year-old girl from San Diego, her hero was her ten-year-old neighbour Kiera Larsen, who pushed her from the path of a runaway SUV.

Reports said that the two girls were playing outside on a sloping driveway where a 1999 Mercedes was parked when suddenly the car shifted into neutral and began to roll down toward the girls’ path.

California Highway Patrol Officer Kevin Pearlstein said that Kiera pushed the younger child out of the way, but before she could leap out of the SUV’s path she was struck by it.

Kiera’s grandmother had been with the two girls just moments before the accident occurred to fetch a spare car battery. When she saw what had happened, she rushed to give her granddaughter a CPR.

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When the paramedics arrived, they took the injured child to the hospital, where she soon died of her injuries.

Officer Pearlstein said that they are trying to determine how the stationary car shifted into neutral. He also said that they didn’t know the relationship between Kiera and the child she saved.

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Safety in an around cars

Vehicular collision is just one of the many accidents involving cars. Here are a few others that you should nonetheless be aware of:

  • Back over. A back over incident typically occurs when a car coming out of a driveway or parking space backs over a child.
  • Heatstroke. Children die each year from heatstroke, after entering the vehicle unnoticed or being left alone in the vehicle.
  • Power Windows. Children can hurt themselves when a window closes on their finger, wrist, or hand. Some kids have been strangled by power windows.
  • Seat Belt Entanglement. A child may become entangled in a seat belt if they pull the seat belt all the way out and wraps the belt around their head, neck, or waist.
  • Trunk Entrapment. Children being entrapped in vehicle trunks can suffer heatstroke, asphyxiation and death. To avoid entrapment heed the following safety and prevention tips.
  • Vehicle Rollaway. A vehicle can rollaway when the key is left in the ignition and the driver’s foot is not on the brake.

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Written by

James Martinez