10 Ways To Tell If Your Child Could Have A Learning Disability

Children progress at their own pace - some slower than others. Read 10 ways to tell if your child has a learning disability.

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Identifying problems

Does your child seem like they aren't picking up things as fast as other children? Young kids will all learn and develop on their own pace, but there may be some signs you can keep an eye out for to make sure that your child does not have a learning disability.

Many parents, especially first time parents, will get concerned if their child doesn't progress at the same rate as the other kids. Most of the time there is no need for worry, but if you have any doubts there are a few signs that can help you determine whether your child has a learning disability or not.

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First signs to look for

  1. When your child is between six months to a year old, the most noticeable sign for a learning disability is motor functions. How they move their legs and arm, roll over or try to stand up.
  2. Within a few weeks after you bring your baby home, you should be able to notice them responding to sounds, especially the sound of a mom's voice.
  3. Crying is the first way your child communicates with you. If there seems to be a lack of crying when you know the child is hungry or needs a diaper change, this could be an indication of a learning disability.
  4. Within the first few months, you should notice your baby reaching and responding to people.

Signs of learning disability among toddlers

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Toddlers are like sponges, they absorb anything they see. This is also the stage where they will decide when and how soon they hit those milestones the doctor wants them too. It may be a little more tricky at this stage to notice learning disabilities.

A big help will be if your child is in a daycare or preschool program, because you can observe them in a setting with other children. There are times that your child will do things around others, but not around you. Here are some things to look out for when your child is a toddler:

  1. Hand and eye coordination should be developing rapidly at this stage. If you notice a hesitation in your child, this may be a sign of a learning disability. Consult your doctor before making the final decision.
  2. When your child gets into the toddler stage, they should be able to put together small sentences. Nothing big, maybe only a couple of words together, but they should be able to understand what you tell them, even if they don't listen.
  3. The toddler stage has also been known as the copy-cat time. Your toddler will be observing you and will copy things you do. If you notice any trouble in this area, there are simple tests that your doctor can do to determine if there is a problem.

School age children

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School age children will show a more distinctive curve if they have a learning disability, especially in reading and concentration.

  1. If your child shows problems comprehending what they read and in answering simple questions, they need to be tested.
  2. A sign of dyslexia is mixing up letters and numbers when a child tries to read. They may have the tendency to write things backwards. Your child's school will have some test they can run to help decide if this is a problem. Schools will also have ways to help you deal with the issue and improve your child's reading and writing.

Did these tips help you? If so, what helped you the most? We'd love to hear from you! For more on  learning disabilities, watch this video:

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Miss Vanda