Popular Spanish baby boy names


Want to give your child a unique name? Why don’t you try one of these popular Spanish baby boy names?

Spanish boy names

Want to give your child a unique name? Why don’t you try one of these popular Spanish baby boy names?

1. Migel- Pronounced mee GHEL. Means who can compare to God. Variant of Michael.

2. Luis- Pronounced loo EES. Means fame and war. Variant of Louis.

3. Javier – Pronounced hav YEHR. Variant of Xavier. Means bright.

4. Alvaro – Pronounced al VAH roh. Means noble guardian. Variant of Adalward.

5. Iago – Pronounced ee AH go. Means grasp by the heel. Variant of Jacob.

6. Alonso – Pronounced ah LON zo. Means noble and ready.

7. Riel – Short form for Gabriel. Means devoted to god.

8. Lucius – Pronounced LOO shuss, LOOSS ee uss. Means light.

9. Reyes – Pronounced REY es. Means advisor and protector.

10. Fernando – Pronounced fehr NAN doh. Means intelligent and brave.


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